Miner's Union Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Miner's Union

"Now see here, we're the backbone of this city. And when I say we'll strike if you pigs don't start giving us a fair wage and better equipment, you should know better than to call my bluff. It's your arse that'll be bacon the minute those mines empty out. We've seen all the monuments you're building to yourselves. How about you use that coin and keep the ones who make you all that money happy, huh?" - Mirik Stonesthrow, Miner's Union President   On the lowest rung of society save for the sewer rats and aqueducks, the miner's unionized during the era of expansion when multiple mines came into operation and bolstered the workforce sizably. Relations between the miners and the merchants are frequently quite tense, threatening to boil over into class war with brief seasons of cooling off and contentment between the near constant renegotiations. With the most recent set of expansions following the discovery of gems deeper into the maze of tunnels, the miner's union is currently working to leverage their increased demand to push for benefits including a comped meal for each shift, as well as the owner's provision of equipment like boots, helms and pick axes.


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