North Ward Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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North Ward

Home to many of the city's noble families, the North Ward is comparatively more peaceful and tranquil than the Sea Ward where other nobles reside. Though taverns and shops line the streets, it is generally seen as a more reserved and polite residential area with numerous row homes and stand alone residences. Many of these noble villas employ stewards and servants who travel from elsewhere in the city to work as live-in-staff for the families of North Ward.   The most magnificient of homes are located in Cliffwatch, where the plateau supporting Waterdeep features cliffs so steep and high that the city wall is interupted to either side. These villas, taverns, and inns boast balconies and terraces that allow one to take in the beautiful countryside east of the city. The North Ward's colors are green and orange and their mascot is a gentle white dove, in flight. One can often spot great flocks of the celebrated doves over the city at dawn and dusk.  

Notable Locations


Trollskull Alley

  Book Wyrm's Treasure
This bookstore is recognized for its shop sign which features a gold dragon comfortably curled atop a treasure hoard of books and scrolls. Inside, the shop is decorated with beautiful hardwood and filled with the earthy scent of old books. The first two floors are filled floor to ceiling with more books than seems possible to fit, while the third floor is where shopkeep Rishaal the Page-Turner resides.   Corellon's Crown
The stately three-story town home across from Trollskull Manor, this apothecary shop is run by herbalist Fala Lefaliir. They offer both nonmagical remedies as well as a few magical potions available from before the arcane restrictions went into effect.   Frewn's Brews
Owned and operated by the competitive businessmen Emmek Frewn, Frewn's Brews serves ales of only locally-sourced and handmade quality. The titular draft is a concoction of Emmek's own design.   Steam & Steel
Smoke and steam billow from the numerous windows of the indoor forge where Embric and Avi craft metal armor, weapons, and tools.   The Bent Nail
A small wooden sign about the shop's main door is bare except for a large, bent nail protruding from it. The front room displays ornate wooden furniture as well as a small selection of bows and crossbows, canes, staffs, and shields. Tally is the chief owner and artisan.   Tiger's Eye
An otherwise unremarkable business front, this private detective's office is denoted by an orange-and-black sign featuring a pair of cat eyes. Vincent Trench maintains his services here, meeting with clients and organizing his sprawling notes in his smoke-filled office.   Trollskull Manor
One of the grandest buildings in Trollskull Alley, though it has sat in a dilapidated state for several years. It features four floors, balconies, a turret, five chimneys, and a courtyard. The first floor has mostly recently been transformed into a tavern room, though it has served myriad purposes over the years.   Zephyr Post
Run by Fatima al-Umari and her family. Birds of all colors can be seen delivering letters through the upper windows of this sky-blue townhouse at all hours of the day. The residents of Trollskull Alley and other nearby streets use the Zephyr Post to deliver letters to friends, colleagues, and mercenaries throughout Waterdeep. The inside of the shop is filled with the sweet aroma of Calishite incense.


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