SD.3.1 Tangled in Webs Plot in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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SD.3.1 Tangled in Webs

Session Summary

  Having freed Copper and received his map of the third floor of the dungeon in exchange for his safety, the party ventured back through the winding corridors until arriving at a Xanathar Guild's base where they were attacked by a beholder zombie camouflaging itself as stone in an alcove overhead. After Fenris' spell quickly obliterates much of the Guild's forces, Hawk negotiates the party's safe passage on threat of killing the rest and before long, the party finds themselves once again following long and winding stairs down deeper into the Undermountain.     Arriving at the entrance of the third level, the party's explorations led them through dwarven mausoleums, caves filled with gricks, corpses with contusions suggesting something spewing forth from their flesh, monstrous demonic creatures, and signs of further drow activity given several bouts with phase spiders and observations of their webs running the lengths of many hallways. Upon discovering the phase spider's nests, Thaust saved a small goblin by the name of Screech only for Fenris to, in his own mind, put the creature out of misery and certain death, sparking a heated discussion regarding the nature of mercy between the two.     The party also stumbled upon a chimera resting upon a treasure trove of coinage. Managing to sneak up on the creature and strike its weak underbelly as it slept, the companions slew the monster before it ever stirred, managing not only to claim its hoard, but also harvest several of its valuable components as well.     Finally, the party discovered the ruins of a long lost city Stromkuhldur crumbled into ruins and torn asunder by collapsed caves which carved the city into several distinct sections. As the party drew closer to the sound of rushing water and the river Sargauth which would lead them to their destination of Skullport, the party discovered patrols of giant spiders once more standing between them and the next leg of their journey and prepared for combat yet again.

Session Overview

  • Hawk
  • Thaust
  • Fenris the Furious
  Time Passed: Flamerule 8, 1493   NPCs:
  • Copper Stormforge
  • Nadia the Unbent
  • 10,000 cp
  • 2,000sp
  • 600ep


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