SKT.1.2 Bargewright Bound Plot in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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SKT.1.2 Bargewright Bound

I fucking hate Hill Giants. Vile, disgusting, incredibly stupid brutes…. I’m glad we happened to be in Goldenfields for their attack or who knows how bad the destruction would have been. The casualties and lost supplies were bad enough of as it is…   I thought the assault on Nightstone last year was just some strange aggression by cloud giants… Since I’ve begun my investigation I’ve seen strange activity from fire giants in search of some artifact, and now two raids by Hill Giants in as many months. There’s something bigger at play here. At least there’s a clear motive for the hill giants now. Both attacks we’ve seen, and from other rumors I’ve heard, they seem to be hoarding food for their queen Guh.   If they’re brazenly raiding places like Triboar and Goldenfields, what will stop them from trying something in Neverwinter or Waterdeep? If they keep attacking farmlands outside of Waterdeep, we can’t be everywhere to protect them at once. Waterdeep has enough problems already with the instability of the Lords and the Rakshasa terrorizing the streets…   I need to see Ellian. Hopefully he and Roywyn have information for us about the demon, and can give us some assistance with these hill giants…..   And of course…. Being so close to Waterdeep without seeing Mya is killing me.  
  • Rydan Hawk Hawkwinter

    Session Summary

    • Receive a number of requests from surviving members of the Goldenfield community including escorting Shalvus to Bargewright Inn, delivering Oren's letter to Lily in Daggerford, providing Chazuuth news of Naxene's wellbeing in Waterdeep, meeting Arleosa of the Stag-Horned Flagon in Amphail on behalf of Miros, and giving Zi Liang's black pendant to Cauldar Marskly of House Thann in Waterdeep for an unknown purpose.
    • Escort Shalvus to Bargewright Inn
    • Hawk meets with Nalaskur, receives a note to deliver to Zira in Daggerford
    • Tristain detects something undead upstairs
    • Nightingale performs as a front for the others to gain intel
    • Determine the undead presence to be Arik, a permanent resident of the inn who is likely a vampire

    NPCs Encountered

    Bargewright Inn
    • Daren, clean-shaven bartender of the Old Bargewright, 40ish human male
    • Marcen, innkeeper, 30ish, dusty redhair human female
    • Nalaskur, spymaster of the Zhentarim, half-elf
    • Shalvus
    • Innkeeper Miros
    • Naxene
    • Oren
    • Zi Liang


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