SKT.4.1 The Fall of Guh Plot in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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SKT.4.1 The Fall of Guh

Session Summary

  • The party sneaks through a cavern underneath the massive dam Guh and her denizens call home.
  • In the underground cavern, massive stockpiles of food and livestock are guarded by hill giants and an ettin.
  • While clearing out the threats, Amarin's wild magic creates a massive crater underneath the dam, causing the cavern to immediately begin flooding.
  • With combat disrupted, one of the giants manages to escape up the ladder to warn the rest of the stronghold, while the party narrowly escapes back the way they came away from the rising floodwaters.
  • With Guh and her many husbands now on high alert, the party along with Harshnag must lead a direct assault against the full force of Grudd Haug.
  • In a difficult and harrowing battle, the party defeats Guh and the rest of Grudd Haug.
  • Following the battle, the party recovers the Blinding Light gem as well as a conch shell found on Guh's person.


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