Sundabar: Rhugar in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Sundabar: Rhugar

Rhugar would never get used to the surface world this way.
  As he walked the streets to meet Yurak at their usual spot, the sun set over the ruins of Sundabar. Rubble and debris piled up along the street’s edge, gathering dust from when it was first pushed aside against the half-collapsed buildings. A rat scurried underfoot, squeaking as it squeezed between two chunks of masonry from what had been the second floor of the Tavern & Tankard. Rhugar hadn’t been, but he’d heard plenty of stories.
  When Rhugar had been a lad, Pa had brought him up the first time for a business deal. They’d climbed beyond the residential quarters, continued past the boiling furnace chambers, and snaked through the underground market up to the surface. It had seemed some grand adventure that morning, full of new and exciting discoveries.
  He could remember the sun radiating a warmth far more welcoming than the Everfire below. He still recalled the intoxicating scent of fresh bread from the bakery down Aomar’s Road and the taste of the loaf they’d split that afternoon with salted butter and sweet preserves. Even now, he smiled, picturing Pa walking down the way, negotiating with a human, Pa’s arms waving in exaggerated expressions.
  Rhugar’d even seen a Knight that day. They rode in on horseback, a noble visage of duty and honor. They carried themselves with such grace and purpose that even young Rhugar felt a sense of reverence. Most of all, he remembered their armor shining in radiant light. Like a gem cut more perfectly than by Moradin himself.
  A lot had changed since then.
  Sure, a few Knights were still around. But their armor didn’t shine the same.
  No, now they moved through the city laboriously, their shoulder’s hunched, their faces forlorn. They toiled away at the rebuilding efforts, but never seemed to catch up to the city falling apart around them. They put on brave faces, but it was clear they were clinging to a fraying rope. It was as if someone had drained all of their hope and left them hollow. In some ways, Rhugar guessed that’s exactly what happened.
  The Knights were doing their best, all things considered. Protecting what little was left to protect within the walls. Ensuring caravans, few as they were, made it back and forth in one piece. Restoring homes, one stone or board at a time.
  They just need a win, is all.
  For their sake, Rhugar hoped it’d get here soon.


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