Session 7: Encounters with Small Things Report in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Session 7: Encounters with Small Things

General Summary

With an obvious trail to follow the party started their pursuit. The quarry seemed to be moving very slowly, and within half an hour were in sight. They appeared to be pulling the sled towards a large wagon being pulled by two polar bears. The party snuck up to a small rise near the sled and plotted an attack. Here they were able to determine they were up against goblins. With the sled moving away Natali and Grimsby took action.   The goblins were taken completely by surprise and several fell in the initial attacks. A few managed to take cover and fire bolts back at their attackers and one managed to sound off a warning horn, alerting the wagon. Seeing her comrades being cut down and with no hope of winning she set fire to the wagon and began to flee. The party managed to free the polar bears who chased after the fleeing goblins as the rest of the party rushed to catch up with their prey. Once the last goblins were murdered the party appeased the polar bears with some food and let the animals at least live.   After tossing the bodies and cutting off some hands for use later Veld and the rest of the party found only a few copper and silver amongst them. Only the leader had anything of real value, a couple potions and a bone whistle. The left the corpses to the predators and scavengers of the tundra and set back with the sled towards Bryn Shander.   After a couple hours of travel the party made camp for the night, not knowing the exact hour but feeling the fatigue of a days travels. During the night another tundra blizzard set in and they shored up their camp as well as possible. Part way through the blizzard a yeti tyke wandered into their camp. Natali was on watch and offered scraps of food and toys to the creature, finding it amusing until it grew bored and left on its own.   Once the blizzard died down the party continued on towards Bryn Shander, arriving in the late morning. They found Hruna and her companions and concluded their business, earning the six promised bloodstones and hopefully the goodwill of the dwarves of Icewind Dale.   They traded in the bloodstones for coin and immediately started spending it and looking for more work. They decided to finish the day off by clearing out a house of its belongings and found themselves dealing with lesser demons. They dealt with the demons with little effort other than trying to keep their lunch down and came out of the days work with a spell scroll of Animal Friendship, several everburning candles, and a few gems. The rest of the day was spent leisurely about town before settling in to sleep.

Rewards Granted

6 Bloodstones

Missions/Quests Completed

Foaming Mugs

Character(s) interacted with

Izobai, Hruna
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden
Michael Snowfield
Report Date
25 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location