2024-04-11 This Little Party Went to Market

1492 DR 24 Uktar (The Rotting)

General Summary

We entered Avernus, the first time for most of us. It was not a pleasant experience.

Arriving at The Wandering Emporium, we met its owner/proprietor, Mahadi, and proceeded within to explore the various businesses. Xandar encountered a smithy run by a trio of salamanders, which offers it wares for mortal gold as well as soul coins. Varanis and Enkidu met Burney the Barber, a friendly vendor appearing as a Calishite human woman. She too offered services for gold, and reacted with distaste to the idea of soul coins. Lastly, Harad and Leo discovered Lulu, a celestial hollyphant amid the rescued menagerie of Z'neth, a female hobgoblin who primarily sells larvae.

An exploration by Dallon turned into an impromptu jailbreak when he freed Lulu from her cage. Lulu revealed she was the companion and steed of Zariel, present at her downfall. She and one of Zariel's generals, Yael, took Zariel's dropped sword and fled. Lulu cannot remember much more, as she was subjected to the waters of the Styx and her memory lost. She came to her senses in Zariel's presence. Clearly displeased, Zariel had Lulu taken to Mahadi for keeping, where the diminutive celestial was imprisoned in a cage that sapped her strength.

Continuing down the Styx away from the Emporium, we were briefly detained by a patrol of devils using hell hounds to sniff out disguised demons. We were allowed to proceed once they determined we were not demons.

Report Date
11 Apr 2024
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