Dallon Longtooth

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Thanks to a fey princess, Dallon's personal scent is a forest after a spring rain.

Specialized Equipment

Dallon wields Sicarius Maleficum, which he acquired when infiltrating a githyanki stronghold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to loving, noble parents. Mother died while he was young. Father remarried, resulting in a younger half-brother, Connr. From an affair came another younger half-brother, Eduard, older than Connr. Eduard arranged the murder of his adopted parents, disappearing with a large amount of wealth. With home destroyed and plundered, Dallon arranged for Connr to become a ward of the church of Illmater while he became a smuggler and criminal on the edge of society to survive. Encountered the most dangerous monsters that lurk in the dark at the edge of civilization, and found higher purpose as the first line of defence against the evils that lie beyond the borders of the world. Found he had a knack for finding the places where people can slip between the worlds. Due to all the time he has spent in the Feywild, he has lost some 81 years by the calendar. While Connr has since died of old age, Eduard has used similar means to move through time, now calling himself Warduke. Whenever Dallon and Eduard meet, they make every attempt to kill each other.

While in the Feywild, Dallon was given the name “Longtooth” by a pack of dire wolves that he helped to fight yeth hounds, in reference to him only having one good tooth (his longsword). Dallon has a particular scent about him, a “gift” from a pixie princess who felt the scent of human didn’t go well with her garden party. While her girlfriends suggested “daffodil” and “muskrat”, Dallon mentioned his favourite scent was the forest in spring just after a good rain. Delighted, the princess changed his scent, although at the time Dallon didn’t realize it would be permanent.

Morality & Philosophy

Being safe in towns and cities keeps a person ignorant of the dangers that lurk at the edges of the world.

I don't pay attention to the risks in a situation. Never tell me the odds.

I place no stock in material wealth or the wealthy.

There's a spark of good in everyone.

Personality Characteristics


My parents died because I didn’t act on my first instincts. I will never again let the innocent die through my inaction.

Likes & Dislikes

Dallon hunts the vilest creatures most inimical to life and the natural world.

Vices & Personality flaws

My anger is unreasoning where my half brother is concerned.

I am short-tempered when I think someone is being foolish.

Neutral Good
Date of Birth
20 Marpenoth 1382 DR
Year of Birth
1382 DR 110 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 4"
190 lbs
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Known Languages

Abyssal, Celestial, Chondathan, Common, Infernal, Primordial, Sylvan, Undercommon


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