
Physical Description

Facial Features

Varanis’ eyes are grey, shifting through light and dark like storm clouds passing through the sky.

Physical quirks

When Varanis gets upset or casts a spell, wind rises around him and lightning flashes in his eyes and crackles in his hair. Sometimes a distant rumble of thunder is heard. When he summons winter storms, the temperature drops and a light frost forms on the ground around him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Varanis’ mother was a moon elf and a warrior. She lived long enough to impart a warrior’s sensibilities into her son before meeting her end in combat. His father, a scholar and man of means, sent his son to the finest academies. Varanis turned out to have little interest in academia, though he did take a shine to astronomy, as much for the topic as for the instructor, a lively gnomish wizard who instilled in him a passion for the night sky. When Varanis’ powers manifested, his father mistakenly thought him a wizard and arranged for him to study at a prestigious school for magic. Unfortunately, since Varanis’ powers were sorcerous in nature, he could learn nothing from them. After a couple of years of frustration for both Varanis and his instructors, one of them finally realized what Varanis was and found him a more suitable mentor. By this time, Varanis was quite fed up with study, and after only a short while with this mentor, struck out on his own.

Morality & Philosophy

Thinking is for other people. I prefer action.

No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence.

Personality Characteristics


No one will ever control my life again.

Vices & Personality flaws

I speak without really thinking through my words, invariably insulting others.

I am impatient and jump into action without thinking.

Personality Quirks

I often lie to those I have no respect for.


Family Ties

He is fond of his father, and his father proud of his son. Varanis visits when he can, but the two have little in common.

Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
1463 DR 29 Years old
Grey and stormy
Black with a white streak down the middle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6" 1'
174 lbs
Known Languages

Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elvish, Giant, Illuskan, Primordial


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