2024-05-16 No Rest For the Wicked

1492 DR 23 Nightal (The Drawing Down)

General Summary

The surrounding landscape melts away as a multi-storey house seems to grow out of the ground to engulf the surviving peasants. The walls seemed formed from the trunks of dead trees. Jagged branches sprout from its roof and eaves. Empty windows display only impenetrable darkness. The entire structure seems to creak softly, rhythmically, like breath or a pulse. In front, three devas hang crucified, the bodies bruised and bloodied, their wings torn and ruined.

In front of this grim tableau, a small sign reads: "No Rest For the Wicked".

After determining that the "devas", who periodically repeated canned warnings more obnoxious than frightening, were merely distractions, we approached the house to the sound of pounding on the door and muffled screams. Opening the door, the six peasants spilled out and fled in terror into the woods.

The drab grey interior led us to a staircase, upon which we were engulfed in a bitterly cold darkness filled with slimy, acidic tentacles. We passed through the darkness wounded but not too worse for wear, only to find Matsui had disppeared. With no clues to his whereabouts, we pushed on into a monstrous "nursery" and confronted a gigantic, undead horror in likeness of an unborn giant. Its horrific wails sapped our strength and its rays of cold nearly froze Tanto, but we destroyed it. With its end, it and all the trappings of the nursery crumbled into grey ash.

Leaving the nursery behind, we ascended steps to a third floor, this time in likeness of a snowy expanse. The ghost of the oni Usagi attacked out of the snow, incapacitating all but Jerboa. After a fierce battle, Jerboa destroyed the ghost and freed the rest. The vastness of the space seemed to sap the will of the adventurers, however, stealing their drive to continue and threatnening to defeat them. Unexpectedly, the paladin Saber approached over the snowy hills, exhorting them to rise and save the people of Briar Glen.

Report Date
16 May 2024
Primary Location
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