Tall Tail

Tall Tail

I started out a wanderer. Satiating my curiosity for new and unique things, places and people. I had picked up a few useful skills along the way that helped me "earn" my keep. Then, of all things, I met the Tabaxi of my dreams. We liked each other’s company and enjoyed travelling together. We had entertaining and exciting stories for each other and continued to make new ones. It was a great time. When we decided a family was the next story to be told we knew it was time to head back to the clan in Chult, regale them with our stories, and raise the next litter. This was a little earlier than either of us had originally expected but we trusted our instincts. And truth be told we had seen so much, been so far and met so many that it felt right. After our first was born, many strange and dangerous things began happening in and around our area. Too many, even for the always strange and dangerous jungles of Chult. We agreed I should leave in search of a more stable place while she reared the little one. I longed for them each day I was gone but I knew it was for the best and we would be together again soon in a better place. Success. It was a little cooler and drier than home, the nearby forest could pass for a sparse jungle, and the mountains were visible past the little hills. On the plus side there was nothing that even compared to the flora and fauna of the Chult jungles. ***Where would this be ? *** I began the journey home with a lighter heart. As I got closer the stories I heard ranged from the strange to unbelievable.   When I entered our home, it was eerily quiet. I called out for them while I checked around. They were gone. Odd. I looked and asked around the tribe and the local area. I was getting agitated...and worried, which was a relatively new and unlikeable feeling. I went around the tribe asking again, more concerned this time. It was hard to convince them that I thought my family was missing (I've been known to tell some tall tales) however, the look in my eyes and the urgency in my voice quickly brought them around. Still nothing. I expanded my search into nearby tribes then villages then towns and cities. Taverns were always full of rumours and people that knew about shady dealings going down. I followed every lead. I was sneaky enough to get in to most places and could talk my way out if needed. And, if those didn't work then I'd fight my way out with my ever-trusty sword. I followed a few leads from a barkeep. He warned me they were a little hairy. Each time I came back. Sometimes a little worse for wear but always with new information and looking for the next lead. On one he asked me to run an errand for him at the same time. That turned into more errands which, truth be told, were a welcome relief from constantly turning up empty in the search for my family. I was doing good and got quite good at it. Over time we grew close. Like when people who work together become close. We laughed together, confided in each other, and had our disagreements. We trusted and respected each other. Dare I say, we were friends. He must have trusted me a lot because he let me know he was a Harper. He told me all about their goals, how they conducted themselves, and why they did what they did. I'm sure he could see the gleam in my eye and hear the passion in my questions because by the end of it he asked me to join. Not even a heartbeat. Whether we needed info, an item taken or planted (turns out I have a knack), or word gotten to the right people I came through. I began to build up my own cache of useful tools of the craft. One day, I realized I hadn't done any looking for my family in a long, long, time. All the leads had dried up ... my family was gone. I have mourned them, forgiven myself and moved on. I'm not who I used to be. I've become more aloof. Probably helps with keeping my role as a Harper secret but it just as likely it helps in not talking about my past life. My life now is the Harpers.


Monkey in the Clouds


Towards Tall Tail

Tall Tail


Towards Monkey in the Clouds

Tabaxi Swashbuckler

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6” 0'
160 lbs
Aligned Organization


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