Death and Despair

Doreena Dirge-Dancer happened upon Sir Jordeth Tavilson and his pupil Amatha in the Rauvin Mountains west of Sundabar. She killed Amatha and used the illusion powers granted by her grisly talisman—a pixie-head necklace—to convince him orcs attacked and killed the young lad. She continued to follow the knight, drinking deeply of his despair and using her powers to provide a false trail for him to follow. She fed his anger and need for vengeance, even mimicking Amatha’s voice at night to torment him.

Outside the ruins of Sundabar, Sir Jordeth happened upon a party headed south to Silverymoon. He related the tale of his squire's death at the hands of orcs, and several adventurers offered to help him find the culprits.

Doreena lured Sir Tavilson and his new allies deeper into the Rauvin Mountains, eventually using illusions and some kobold allies to attack her victims. The adventurers became wary of the whole situation, and attempted to convince Sir Tavilson to abandon the search and join them. He briefly considered doing so, but Doreena had hooked him too deeply. At night, he left the adventurers and disappeared into the mountains.


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