Granny Annie Cruelty

Anyone versed in fey lore knows only a hag of exceptional cunning and longevity earns the title of "grandmother".

Granny Annie Cruelty is an atypical night hag. Though as cruel and vicious as any other hag, she has a wide perspective that rises above the petty spite some hags fall victim to. She sells her services as a mercenary, collecting terrifying arcane secrets and unspecified favors from all manner of beings throughout the planes. The result is a dangerous and maddeningly unpredictable foe should mortals encounter her.

In recent years, she's spent a fair amount of time in the world of Toril. She briefly created a coven with two other hags: Rickety Olga Ironwillow and Dismal Ethel Frostwart. After they were both killed by adventurers, she enslaved their spirits, harnessing them to grant herself strange new powers.

Personality: It's just business, dearie.

Ideal: Everything has its priceā€¦ including me.

Bond: I care nothing for other hags.

Flaw: I am easily distracted by shiny baubles.

Neutral Evil
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Before enslaving the spirits of Dismal Ethel and Rickety Olga


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