Rickety Olga Ironwillow

The annis hag called Rickety Olga is obsessed with corrupting and collecting children. Outside the coven’s lair, Olga uses disguise self to appear as a slim, shadowy female humanoid, tall but medium size, often obscuring herself further using fog cloud.

Personality: Motherly and compassionate, even as I eat your heart.

Ideal: The viciousness of children is a wonder to behold.

Bond: My children are all that matters to me.

Flaw: My rage resorts to physical attack when my children are threatened.

Chaotic Evil
Date of Death
1492 DR 21 Nightal (The Drawing Down)
Year of Death
1492 DR
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Tall Tail and Matsui Toru
Place of Death
Related Plots
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Olga as the "forest mama"


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