The Fugue Plane

When mortals die, their souls are drawn to the Fugue Plane.

The Fugue Plane exists outside the normal cosmology of Toril. Souls naturally travel from the Material Plane to the Fugue Plane at death, but they cannot leave of their own volition. Divine servants can travel here from the realms of their deities and bring souls back with them, as long as those souls properly belong to the deities they serve.

By special agreement with the god of the dead, Kelemvor, devils are permitted to open portals from the Nine Hells into the Fugue Plane. Somehow, demon lords also manage to open portals from time to time. In both cases, the fiends can carry the souls of those who accept their fiendish bargains back to their home planes through these portals. Any other travel to or from the Fugue Plane is impossible. Mortals cannot travel to the Fugue Plane while their bodies live, and no color pools leading here exist on the Astral Plane.

Plane of Existence
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