2024-08-29 Aggressive Self-Interest

1492 DR 28 Uktar (The Rotting)

General Summary

At the base of the blazing caldera that is Bel's Forge, our greatest challenge was not the former archdevil himself, but the belligerent bone devil guarding the main gate, who would not let us in without some "consideration" to make it worth his while. A little lie of omission about Baphomet's portal beneath Elturel's grand cemetery bought Xandar, Harad, and Leo access to the powerful pit fiend. The trio subtley and successfully treated with the devil in a deal to help them find Olanthius, though the devil colored his pronouncements with inferences about people and souls lost and possibly wanting to be found, in more ways than one. Before Bel will give us what we seek, he expects the party perform a task to prove we will able to deal with the consequences of seeking out the death knight. We are to "retrieve" nine adamantine rods from a vault on Zariel's own flying fortress, which will be refuelling at a dock on the River Styx soon. We agreed, and Bel arranged for a barge down the Styx to take us to our destination.

Report Date
29 Aug 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Bone of Contention

The bone devil's acceptance of our offered "secret" came down to a random roll to determine if it had a contact at the battle beneath Elturel to whom it could sell the information. Given the size of the demonic invasion at that site, there was a 70% chance it had the necessary contacts, and a roll of 65% on d00 cinched the deal.

... and Knowing is Half the Battle!

The key lesson from this session is a better understanding of devils. While their lawful nature means they may often have allegiance to aligned creeds or organizations and the grander goals those represent, their evil nature ensures that it is always in service of their own selfish ends, whether that means winning rewards or avoiding negative consequences.

What does Dallon carry with him?

Aside from the lesser artifact that is his blade, Sicarius Maleficum, Dallon's gear is very utilitarian for a planar traveler. He carries a heavy crossbow +1 along with 16 unbreakable crossbow bolts enchanted by Nils Hellstrom before the Spellplague, and a handful of rather expensive bolts of slaying forged by a githzerai smith of his acquaintance. Defensively, he wears breastplate +1, a ring of fire resistance, and a periapt of proof against poison. Lastly, a bronze dragon friend with a preference for hanging around the Feywild in the form of a talking fox gifted him a bracer that grants him a small armor bonus and immunity to both the charmed and frightened conditions, as well as granting his allies within 30 feet advantage to saving throws against those effects. He also has in his possession the unattuned amulet of the planes taken in the rescue of the party from the clutches of the Prince of Frost.


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