Temple District

This District has large avenues that are well paved and maintained, short knee high stone walls and landscaping are used here to outline defined areas of the various buildings with large open gardens and terraces for the people of Velen to rest under vast shade trees and enjoy some time in community and contemplation. People knod simple acknowledgements with smiles and acceptance. There is a vast water fountain which has a few small tables with chairs surrounding it where people gather hand discuss issues of concern, and kids play often in this area.   Temple ditrict is dominated by the temple of Wukeen and has multiple other small buildings that serve as temples to the various gods that have long held sway within the city and its regular citizens. Serving as a central gathering point many of the traditions and holidays are often held within the vast avenues and courtyards.
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Anyone why stops for just a moment and observes the area immediatly notices that the cartiers and person on horsback use uncommon care ensuring the move at a walk, often horses are led by their owners rather than mounted.


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