Velen - City

Velen - a moderate sized port town, its unique bay makes it ideal for setting in during storms, also makes entry and exit unknown virtually impossible.   Velen is a mostly neutral good town, its primarily a human settlement but there are some significant families in town of other races. As a seafaring hub it is also common to have many various races in town at any given time. On its eastern corner stands the Lords manor and the Eryas Keep, their is a large stone bridge crossing the river Eryas seperating the rest of town from the Lords manor and Keep.   Order is maintained by the Constable and the city watch. AS well the council makes the majority of decisions.   The Lords manor was the summer home of the the Duke of Velen and was considered its capital when Duke is in residence, though he has not summered in Velen city proper for almost 30 years. Still the Manor has been impeccably maintained, and occasionally a family member or close personal friend will stay for extended period of time to relax or recover from injury in the ongoing campaign in the Neck.     At the intersection of Velen's two main streets is a large polygonal cut of land with a moderate sized Church dedicated to Waukeen, whom is the cities primary deity.   The city has 5 primary districts    1) Market District  2) High Hills Farthing  3) Artists Burough 4) Dockside  5) Temple District

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