Amaunator Character in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Amaunator (ah-MAWN-ah-tor)


The rule of law and the glory of the sun are both in Amaunator’s dominion. His priests help establish bureaucracies and lawful order in communities. They often witness contracts and signed agreements, stamping such documents with the sun symbol of Amaunator to signify their validity. His priests teach that Amaunator has died and been reborn time and again. Like the sun, he might pass into the realm of darkness, but inevitably his bright gaze will fall on the world once again. Amaunator is seen as a stern and unforgiving deity, not unlike Silvanus in comportment, but his concern isn’t for the balance of life — he cares that things proceed according to the celestial order, that promises are kept, and that the rule of law persists.   Farmers and travelers beseech him when they pray for rain or sun, as do any others looking for a favorable change in the weather. But the most common form of propitiation to Amaunator is the practice of swearing oaths, signing contracts, and declaring laws under the light of the sun. So ingrained in the common perception is the connection between a solemn oath and the sun that those engaged in closing deals or issuing edicts often pause and wait for a passing cloud to clear the sun before completing the transaction or pronouncement.
(The Heralds of Amaunator traverse the sky to awaken the world with the time wheel of flame)

Ethos & Dogma

Amaunator is a cautious god who did not just try to write down everything to be certain about it but made sure to go through the pain of contracting, signing, sealing, and notarizing everything as well, a trait similar to the Celestial Bureaucracy. Amaunator was viewed as a stern and unforgiving deity dedicated to law and order above all else. Though not concerned with balanced natural order like Silvanus, he instead advocated for kept promises, contracts, and even that political order be kept among the gods. Amaunator tended to ignore the spirit of the law in favor of the letter of it. From time to time, he was invoked as the god of time. The reason for this was that a mispunctuation in a legal paper with another god allowed him to consider himself the god of time.   Priests of Amaunator encouraged the establishment of lawful order and bureaucracy in the world at large. They were called on to witness contracts and apply a signatory stamp with the symbol of Amaunator to verify its validity. Amaunator preached that people needed to follow laws to the letter. The reason for this was the belief that laws were the foundation on which any society was built and disrespecting the law would inevitably cause the collapse of any society. The same adherence was also extended to traditions. He also wanted people to be organized individuals who met their commitments and were always on time.

Religious Orders

(The sun rises on another civilization of faithful of Amaunator)


More information coming soon!

Tenets of Faith

  • Obey the law and respect tradition.
  • Always meet your commitments and never be late.
  • Be organized in all pursuits.
(Amaunator is a stern but fair keeper of law, time, and divine light)

Holy Symbol

(The holy symbol of Amaunator)



  • The Yellow God
  • Keeper of the Yellow Sun
  • Keeper of the Golden Sun
  • Keeper of the Eternal Sun
  • Keeper of the Sun
  • Keeper of Law
  • Light of the Law


  • Amaunatori

Portfolio and Domains

  • Law
  • Sun
  • Fire
  • Life
  • Light
  • Time
  • Civilization

Common Worshipers

  • Farmers
  • Travelers
  • Lawmakers
  • Nobility

Favored Manifestations

  • White Stallions
  • Birds of Prey
  • Golden Lilies
  • Sunflowers
  • Yellow-eyed Daisies
  • Warm Color Topaz
  • Steel Dragons
  • Thirteen Hyenas (punishment)

Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Nuetral
"The seeker wakes from day to day and sheds A light in credence of the promised time. Unyielding to the lures of forks and threads The seeker stays the course of journey’s prime. By Keeper’s will, the seeker plots again With ev’ry break to mark the hour sworn. To steady fast the rule from start to end Is Keeper’s gift to all the living born."
— Unknown Author, a prose dedicated to Amaunator


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