Knights of the Sacred Flame Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Knights of the Sacred Flame

Faction Overview

The Knights of the Sacred Flame are an organization of oathbound paladins and devout warriors sworn to combat supernatural evil, dark magic, and otherworldly incursions. The questing knights normally travel the realms in small bands and companies and adhere to the Faith of the god Amaunator, one of the more dominant religions across the nation of Halruaa. They believe delerium is a contaminating blight borne of the darkest chaos, and have resolved to annihilate the corrupted crystals, slay every monster it has created, and hunt down diabolical mages who would wield its power to work evil magic. Now an entire regiment has been dispatched to Halarahh to carry out this righteous task, led by Knight-Captain Theodore Marshal.


The Knights of the Sacred Flame was founded several centuries ago as a militant arm of the Faith of Amauntor. Amaunator, a solar deity also known as the Light of Law or the Yellow God is embodied by the sun, order, law, and time. As the Sacred Flame was founded they see outsiders and "unnatural" creatures as those against the natural laws of light. These knights and paladins act by the decree of the Divine Matriarch to defend the faithful from demons and monsters, and are called up as witch hunters when wayward mages dabble in forbidden arcana.   Paladins are revered figures in the Knights of the Sacred Flame, as the founder of the faith was herself a paladin. Though not every warrior in the Knights of the Sacred Flame is a paladin, each strives to emulate the founder Saint Tarna’s valiant example. Though they usually operate as individual questing knights or in small warrior companies, occasionally they are deployed as a regiment. Members of the Sacred Flame have been traditionally drawn from all people and all levels of society. Nobles and commoners are found within the Order, and one’s station in life does not reflect one’s position in the Order. In their role as witch-hunters and mage-slayers, the Knights of the Sacred Flame were complicit in the persecution and oppression of arcane spellcasters. To this day, the issue remains a deep stain on the order’s honor, as many observed that the injustices and persecution visited upon spellcasters stand in stark contrast against the tenets of the faith, a faith that calls out for justice for the oppressed. Nevertheless, staunch supporters of the Sacred Flame argue that their deeds were indeed justified. Decisive action is necessary to defend the innocent and the faithful from wicked sorcerers who sought to dominate others with magical might or cut down foul warlocks who spread wickedness through demonology and necromancy. The chronicle of the Knights of the Sacred Flame records countless heroic missions that have prevented a dire threat from growing into a far greater crisis.   The Knights of the Sacred Flame answer to the Faith of Amauntor above all, not to the command of any sovereign nation, but their formation was a result of the call to save their nation and often called to help protect it. So far, their honor allows them to navigate this contradiction while keeping a strong connection to its roots, and most of its members hail from Halruaa. Ever since the realm of Halruaa came under threat of a magical civil war, the order has become increasingly entangled in state affairs. Their knights have been deployed on inquisitional crusades against heretics, heathens, and other political enemies of Halruaa and the tenants of the Sacred Flame. The distinction between an “enemy of the Sacred Flame” and an “enemy of Halruaa” is not entirely clear anymore. As such, some worry the Knight's presence in Halarahh is an invasive ploy by the church to wrest control of Halruaa, rather than a righteous expedition to purify the city of eldritch contamination.
(Knight of the Sacred Flame makes a proclamation of Law and Order)


As befits their name, the knights are clad in plate armor with gold filigree. They wear flowing tabards of white, prominently decorated with symbols of the Sacred Flame, rather than any individual heraldry. The Flamekeepers who accompany the knights wear religious vestments of white and gold.
(A Knight of the Sacred Flame makes camp just outside Halarahh in the shadow of Inscrutable Tower)

Beliefs and Tenets

Faithful of the Sacred Flame worship Amaunator, a solar deity also known as the Light of Law or the Yellow God is embodied by the sun, order, law, and time. They pray for guidance from a transcendent divine force of his light that they believe is the source of all light and goodness. Symbolized as the Sacred Flame, this brilliant beacon inspires mortals to act with benevolence, honor, and righteousness. The religion brings a message of dutiful hope: even the smallest flame may light the way through the darkest night. The core tenets of the religion are conceptualized as follows:
  • The Hearth spreads compassion. One must nourish the hungry; offer shelter to the cold; and give succor to those who suffer. Spiritual warmth comes when the community is gathered together before the Flame as neighbors.
  • The Lantern illuminates the way of truth. The light reveals what is hidden by darkness, and shows the way to understanding. One should not silence the truth, nor speak falsehoods.
  • The Torch displays the duty of all faithful to uphold the cause of justice. One cannot abide when evil stirs; nor stand idle when corruption spreads: callousness and indifference permit selfishness, greed, and hate to multiply.
  • The Candle symbolizes hope and redemption. Show those who are in darkness the light. Offer mercy to the guilty; no shadow is absolute so long as a flickering flame remains.
Followers of the Sacred Flame believe that when mortals die, the divine light guides righteous spirits to the place where dawn breaks. Their luminous souls shine eternally, driving back the endless darkness that threatens all life. Their symbols are a goblet of fire or a lit candle representing the Sacred Flame in holy symbols. Believers join hands in a circle around a roaring fire and sing hymns during worship rites. The holy text of the faith is called the Song of Fire. Saint Tarna is typically depicted as a silver-haired warrior bearing a longsword. She is often shown in battle against demons and witches, sometimes astride her griffon, Aarak


Ordained priests of Amauntor are known as Flamekeepers. These clerics of the Sacred Flame are predominantly women. They wear flowing vestments of white, yellow, and gold. Flamekeepers take vows of poverty, eschewing all personal possessions and living on the commonwealth of the faith. Chapels and cathedrals of the Sacred Flame are ministered by a Flamekeeper, who is assisted by a few devoted acolytes. Smaller villages rely on lay ministers to keep their shrines. The highest authority amongst the priesthood of the Sacred Fire is the Divine Matriarch.   Legend claims Saint Tarna of Amauntor was the first paladin and founder of the Knights of Sacred Flame. These warriors hold deep reverence amongst the faithful, as only truly virtuous souls can wield the Sacred Flame as she once did. Paladins of the Sacred Flame swear sacred oaths of devotion, redemption, and vigilance. Inspired by Saint Tarna’s example, many join knightly orders ordained for righteous purposes. Such companies of holy warriors and their martial retainers embark on quests and crusades to destroy supernatural forces of evil and root out creatures of otherworldly darkness.   As result, The Knights of the Sacred Flame are a more militant faith with the paladins ultimately being more of the regular operation leaders of the faction rather than the clerics (or other class professions) within the order. But, the Flamekeepers clerics, however, control many aspects of how those advance in their ranks with a council of High Flamekeepers deciding who fills the ranks of the Knight-Captains for example, and the Divine Matriarch having ultimate authority to revoke the ranks of members of the order or excommunicate those in the order. But the command of any crusade is chosen from the ranks of the Knight-Captains, with them choosing among their own who will lead the order resources dedicated to that particular crusade. Knight-Captain Theodore Marshal commands the crusade of Halarahh.
(The Knights of the Sacred Flame have created a military site known as Camp Dawn a few miles outside the city Halarahh)

Known Members

  • Knight-Lieutenant Cassandra Wyatt - a human cavalier who leads the aerial units.
  • Ophelia Reed - High Flamekeeper based out of Emberwood
  • Ser Virgil Underwood - A human knight.
  • Austin Edwards - A young knight, eager to leap into battle for his cause.
  • Adam - A stoic and thoughtful paladin with a cautious attitude towards Halarahh.
  • Claudia - A determined knight with the qualities of great leadership
  • Quinn - A new recruit, an optimistic warrior, and eager to impress her team.
  • Elijah - A paladin who takes great pleasure in defeating monsters in combat.
  • Buddy Knox - A guitar-strumming bard who sings the deeds of the Knights of the Sacred Flame.
  • Jonah - An aging paladin with a big white beard who takes things in stride.
  • Ruth - A Flamekeeper who takes her job as a healer very seriously.
  • Zacharias - An arrogant knight who fears no monster or abomination in Halarahh.
  • Jurgen - A High Flamekeeper Camp Dawn Pyrewarden master.
  • Kotan - Dwarven paladin, Camp Dawn siegemaster.
  • Thaddeus Ravencroft - A dark dress man who serves as Inquisitor.
The Knights of the Sacred Flame have built a military encampment known as Camp Dawn about two miles outside Halarahh, just on the outside edge of the Haze. Outside Halarahh, the Sacred Flame can often find shelter in any chapel or cathedral of Amaunator, though not every Flamekeeper in Halruaa now supports their mission. Their headquarters is the impregnable Vigilant Keep in the far city of Maeruhal, where the Grandmaster oversees the entire order at the behest of the Divine Matriarch.


  • We are oath-bound to protect those who cannot protect themselves from supernatural evil, cosmic terrors, and malevolent sorcerers. We are the shield of the faithful and the torch against the darkness that comes from beyond. Evil must be uprooted before it can spread.
  • We are called to act by the Divine Matriarch of the Sacred Flame, and will always follow her decree.
  • It is our duty to protect the relics and holy places of our faith, and ensure they do not fall into wicked hands who would use them for vile purposes.


  • We are united by faith in the Sacred Flame. All are called to uphold its tenets, and all must heed its wisdom. We cannot be divided by ancestry, nobility, or national creed.
  • We will never abandon the righteous to torment and death. Not while we have the strength left to act.
  • Halruaa has become a mighty realm through its faith in the Sacred Flame. It is a shining example that all other monarchs and rulers should emulate.

Members Traits

We conduct ourselves with honor and respect. We do not speak falsehoods, and we show compassion and courteousness for all, even our enemies. We bravely stand up for what is right, and expect others to do the same. We profess our faith openly, so all may bask in the warmth of the Sacred Flame.


  • Initiate (rank 1)
  • Knight (rank 2)
  • Flamekeeper (rank 3)
  • Knight-Lieutenant (rank 4)
  • High Flamekeeper (rank 5)
  • Knight-Captain (rank 6)
  • Grandmaster (rank 7)
  • Divine Matriarch (rank 8)
“Metal headed, stubborn, and overly committed to falsities justified by holy laws. If I praised the Light whenever I blew people up, would I win medals?”
— Sebastian Crowe

Articles under Knights of the Sacred Flame


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