The Followers of the Falling Fire Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

The Followers of the Falling Fire

Faction Overview

The annihilation of Halarahh incited a serious religious schism within the Faith of the Sacred Flame. A new sect has emerged known as the Followers of the Falling Fire, who adhere to the prophecies of former Flamekeeper Lucretia Mathias. She attests that delerium is a divine gift, not a blight and that these sacred stones will offer salvation against greater darkness yet to come. The mainstream clergy have excommunicated Lucretia Mathias and branded her followers as an insane cult with heretical beliefs and blasphemous practices. Even still, masses of devout common folk now embark on a dangerous pilgrimage to Halarahh to take their place in a divine plan.


The Faith of the Sacred Flame has long looked to the sun and stars for guidance. The flickering stars cast within the Astral Void symbolize how the faithful see their place in the cosmos: points of light holding darkness at bay. Scripture tells how a shooting star inspired Saint Tarna to seek redemption before a pair of angels. The story of a blackguard turned paladin who founded the Faith itself established an important message within the religion: that from the deepest darkness may arise the brightest light.   Lucretia Mathias was one such Flamekeeper who read omens in the night sky and was regarded as one of the most learned and wise amongst the clergy. She channeled immense divine power and invoked miracles that have not been witnessed in a generation. A decade before the meteor The Followers of the Falling Fire destroyed Halarahh, she beheld a vision of a falling star that would arrive on earth and signal a great upheaval for the faithful. Despite her reputation, her visions were dismissed as an apocalyptic fantasy and largely suppressed at the time.   Her visions proved true; right down to the hour. However, even Lucretia Mathias did not expect the actual destruction the meteor would cause, nor did she anticipate it would annihilate her birthplace, Halarahh. She spent several years afterward contemplating the heavens and several strange stones recovered from the city. Her conclusion was dire indeed: the world stands on the precipice of darkness unending. Yet within delerium, she saw the spark of salvation. Though the stones are the stuff of chaos, black charcoal and midnight oil may fuel a great flame. Perhaps if taken up by righteous souls, the crystals might become an earthly vessel for the Sacred Flame itself. Rather than fall to all-consuming shadows, Lucretia Mathias prophesied a New Age of Heroes that could meet the coming night. She spoke widely about her beliefs and discoveries, and her fiery sermons galvanized a throng of loyal supporters who proselytized her new creed across Toril, the Shinning South, and Halruaa. As her support grew, she resolved to make a pilgrimage to the crater itself to confirm her revelations.   Meanwhile, the mainstream clergy reacted to delerium with disgust and horror. When Lucretia Mathias returned from her pilgrimage bearing a delerium crystal embedded in her own body, she was declared a heretic and excommunicated. However, she refused to be silenced. Escaping, she expanded her original writings and published them as the Testament of the Falling Fire. This religious essay proclaimed a radical new doctrine for the faith and called upon all devout believers to make a pilgrimage to the crater in Halarahh. Those who finish this arduous journey partake in a controversial rite known as the Sacrament of the Falling Fire.
(The Abbess of Falling Fire Lucretia Mathias divines the mysteries of delerium)


The Followers of the Falling Fire give up most of their worldly possessions. Many are clad only in sackcloth jerkins or monastic robes, and often carry salvaged weapons adapted from everyday equipment and tools.
(A devout of the Follower of the Falling Fire taking the Sacrament)


The Followers of the Falling Fire are largely disorganized in the sense they do not have a formal hierarchy. While the clergy serves as the community leaders, the Followers live in communities in their strongholds where they each contribute to the best of their talents. They see the divine path as communal work with the spiritual challenges of the individual unique to the divine soul but a strong community supports both. They make their strongholds in areas of Deep Haze and those Followers who have taken the Sacrament are immune to the adverse effects.
(The Followers of the Falling Fire home is Saint Selina's Monastery which is completely covered in Deep Haze)

Known Members

  • Brother Abraham Schaefer - A faithful old preacher naïve to the horrors of Halarahh.
  • George Hopper - A courageous fighter who dutifully protects other pilgrims.
  • Anita Winters - A strong and sturdy warrior who had visions of the meteor.
  • Dekota Maple - A young explorer who questions everything.
  • Cosmos - An optimistic tiefling who is obsessed with planar travel.
  • Bruin Apollo - An old dwarven cleric who studies astrological signs and patterns.
  • Ingrid and Mara Stumer - Sisters who followed dreams and visions of the city.
  • Silvie Roseshot - A former Flamekeeper inspired by the Testament of the Falling Fire.
  • Lucy Wainwright - A creative and intelligent woman with a child who came to the city for salvation.
While the Falling Fire is now sending missionaries out all over the world, they have four important holdings in Halarahh. Hendrix Farm is considered a holy site as pilgrims camp out here in Emberwood Village before embarking on the last stage of their journey to the crater. With Champion’s Gate, while not being a stronghold in any true sense, the pilgrims use Champion’s Gate as a waypoint on their way to the crater’s edge or Saint Selina’s Monastery. While Chapel of Saint Gresha which is located on the edge of the crater, is the place where Lucretia Mathias performs the Sacrament of the Falling Fire each day at dawn and Saint Selina’s Monastery and ocated in the Deep Haze, this is the sanctuary for members of the Falling Fire who have completed their pilgrimage and taken the Sacrament.


  • Delerium shards have a sacred purpose as the key to our salvation. They must only be used in our religious ceremonies. It is utter profanity to turn the stones into arcane trinkets, and total sacrilege to destroy the holy crystals.
  • The ruins are a holy site now. We must make a pilgrimage to the crater to take part in the Sacrament of the Falling Fire. This test of faith will demonstrate our devotion, and we will know our place in the divine plan.
  • We are disillusioned by the hypocrisy of the mainstream religious ministry of the Sacred Flame. The Flamekeepers have tarnished our faith with political ambitions and affluent vices.


  • A New Age of Heroes shall meet the Creeping Darkness that threatens the world. Through our devotion, we shall light the Sacred Flame.
  • Every soul is worthy of redemption, you need only see the good within. From the darkest shadow comes the brightest light.
  • Material possessions and monetary wealth hold no value anymore. All that matters is our faith.

Members Traits

We often speak prayers and quote the writings of Lucretia Mathias. We enthusiastically share the message of our new faith with everyone. We are fascinated by the sun but even more by the stars, and see omens and prophecy in everything. We see hope for the downtrodden and absolution for the lost. We offer deliverance and mercy for any who seek the truth and the light, but we condemn those who do not.


More information coming soon!
Founding Date
1374 DR
Religious, Sect
Predecessor Organization
Notable Members
“What strange manners to travel into the dangers of this city with nothing but faith as a shield. The border between brave and foolish is thin among them.”
— Pluto Jackson

Articles under The Followers of the Falling Fire


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