Dalakhar Character in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil



Dalakhar lived as an accomplished thief and adventurer but no matter how much he treasures he gained he never felt satisfied. Knowing nothing else, he continued his shadow work in the streets of Waterdeep often with unsavory groups such as the Xanathar Thieve's Guild, Bregan D'Aerthe, and the Zhentarim. Being a highly intelligent rock gnome thief he masterminded heists and operations, which limited the dangers to himself. He branched out into less violent crimes such as fencing and information brokering but never liked the people he worked with. But this was what he was best and was getting wealthy doing it.   This is until Dagult Neverember and the Lords' Alliance offer him something he truly enjoyed - an objective. An intriguing puzzle of planning and deceit tearing rival gangs apart from the inside to make Waterdeep a better place. Not only did it pay well, but he found the job fulfilling. However, when one of these jobs went bad, he knew he might not get himself out of this one. He never had help in the past and never expected it as those he worked with before would have let someone who made themselves a liability die rather than spending the resources to save them. But Dagult Neverember did what was needed to save him without hesitation or regard for the cost. He claims that he did not need to be saved, but from that day on he knew what was missing in his life purpose and whom he would serve.
(Children at play in autumn on the Waterdeep docks)
Current Location
Aligned Organization
"Look, there be lot more to politics than just stabbin folks in the back. You need to know who to stab, when the best time to stab, and the place to do that stabbin."   — Dalakhar


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