Lords Alliance Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Lords Alliance

Faction Overview

The Lords’ Alliance is a coalition of rulers from cities and towns across Faerûn (primarily in the North), who collectively agree that some solidarity is needed to keep evil at bay. The rulers of Waterdeep, Silverymoon, Neverwinter, and other free cities in the region dominate the Alliance, and every lord in the Alliance works for the fate and fortune of his or her own settlement above all others. The agents of the Alliance include sophisticated bards, zealous paladins, talented mages, and grizzled warriors. They are chosen primarily for their loyalty and are trained in observation, stealth, innuendo, and combat. Backed by the wealthy and the privileged, they carry quality equipment (often disguised to appear common), and spellcasters tend to have a large number of scrolls with communication spells.   To seek out and destroy threats to their homelands, agents of the Lords’ Alliance must be highly trained at what they do. Few can compare to their skills in the field. They fight for the glory and the security of their people and for the lords who rule over them, and they do so with pride. However, the Lords’ Alliance can only survive if its members “play nice” with one another, which requires a certain measure of diplomacy. Rogue agents within the Lords’ Alliance are rare, but defections have been known to occur.


Also known as the Council of Lords, this group was formed to oppose the Zhentarim and other sinister factions. The Lords' Alliance was a partnership of merchant cities founded in 1325 DR. Its members were from the Sword Coast, the North and Western Heartlands, including Waterdeep, Silverymoon, Baldur's Gate, and Neverwinter, as well as other free cities and towns in the region, which made up the bulk of the organization. It was formed to oppose the growing influence of the Black Network in the North, as well as the Shadow Thieves of Amn. The alliance usually hired adventurers to work for them in the past for tasks ranging from gathering simple information, or even for use in raids against Zhentarim strongholds and outposts. Local adventurers could quickly gain status, as well as powerful friends by helping the alliance, but can just as easily make enemies of the sinister Zhentarim as a result.   The various Lords differ on issues of trade, magic, relations with foreign nations such as Thay, and even the treatment of humanoids such as orcs and goblins. The members of the Alliance are all equal in discussing Alliance matters, regardless of the station outside the group.


Lord Alliance could be of any age or profession, any sex or gender, and of any race. Humans, elves, and dwarves were most common among them, but many dragonborn, tiefling, half-elves, gnomes, and halflings also joined. Most members were either fighters or wizards, though bards, rangers, rogues, paladins, and clerics were also present. Priests could follow any faith; with the most common being Tyr, Torm, Helm, Amauntor, Azuth, Chauntea, Tempus, Oghma, Selûne, and Waukeen. Generally, issues of faith were avoided, though there was some friction with the upper ranks of the clergy within the cities and the upper ranks of the Lords Alliance. The Lords Alliance was led by a Council of Lords, who are political leaders of member city-states and were responsible for most of the group's long-term plans and goals. The Council of Lords were elected or gained their position based on different methods as determined by the city-states they rule over. Agents of the Lords Alliance are chosen by higher-ranking members that often serve cities as representatives or diplomats who believe in the goals of the alliance. The criteria are long-term service and loyalty in the implementation of their plans.

Towns and Cities

  • Amphail
  • Baldur's Gate
  • Berdusk
  • Elturel
  • Goldenfields
  • Gundarlun Island
  • Iriaebor
  • Leilon
  • Longsaddle
  • Mirabar
  • Neverwinter
  • Silver Marches
  • Silverymoon
  • Sundabar
  • Waterdeep
(The Lords' Alliance victory speech after a return from defeating an enemy of the realm)
The Lords’ Alliance is a loose coalition of established political powers concerned with mutual security and prosperity. The organization is aggressive, militant, and political. Fighters and sorcerers of lawful or neutral alignments are commonly drawn to the Lords’ Alliance.


  • Ensure the safety and prosperity of cities and other settlements of Faerûn.
  • Maintain a strong coalition against the forces of disorder.
  • Proactively eliminate threats to the established powers.
  • Bring honor and glory to one’s leaders and one’s homeland.


  • If civilization is to survive, all must unite against the dark forces that threaten it.
  • Fight for your realm. Only you can bring honor, glory, and prosperity to your lord and homeland.
  • Don’t wait for the enemy to come to you. The best defense is a strong offense.

Members Traits

In order to seek out and destroy threats to their homelands, agents of the Lords’ Alliance must be highly trained at what they do. Few can match their skills in the field. They fight for the glory and the security of their people and for the lords who rule over them, and they do so with pride. However, the Lords’ Alliance can only survive if its members “play nice” with one another, which requires a certain measure of diplomacy. Rogue agents within the Lords’ Alliance are rare, but defections have been known to occur.


  • Cloak (rank 1)
  • Redknife (rank 2)
  • Stingblade (rank 3)
  • Warduke (rank 4)
  • Lioncrown (rank 5)
Founding Date
1325 DR
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
Council of Lords
Controlled Territories
  "Matters of rulership in the Realms are never simple. If you think they are, there's something you've missed. Look behind you quickly, and if no dagger's coming at you, turn back and look again. Harder."   — Piergeiron the Paladinson

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