Knight-Captain Theodore Marshal Character in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Knight-Captain Theodore Marshal


Theodore Marshal is a man in his prime. He is athletic and tall with boldly sculpted features, bronzed skin, and unkempt sandy brown hair. Unshaven stubble has grown into a beard over the criss-cross of scars on his face. A leather patch covers his right eye. He wears gleaming silver plate armor etched with golden trim, and carries a shimmering sword and a broad shield engraved with the symbol of the Sacred Flame.   The Divine Matriarch of the Sacred Flame has decreed delerium an unholy abomination. These chaotic seeds of evil magic must be wholly destroyed before they can take root. By her command, the Knights of the Sacred Flame have come to cleanse Halarahh of this foul taint: even if it means burning the city to the ground. Furthermore, the knights have resolved to stop others from harvesting and using delerium, especially the Amethyst Academy. The Knights of the Sacred Flame insist that Halarahh - and by extension, the nation of Halruaa - cannot be rebuilt until the threat of delerium is entirely eliminated. While the Knights of the Sacred does not intend to establish rule over Halruaa, as they want to ensure any new ruler honours the Sacred Flame, commits to destroying delerium, and helps them dissolve the Followers of the Falling Fire.   The demagogue Lucretia Mathias has fractured the Faith of the Sacred Flame, and twisted its noble and pure religious teachings into the debased worship of a blasphemous and evil rock from the darkest depths of the outer void. Lucretia Mathias must be captured and brought back to stand trial for her grave sins, where she may find repentance in a burning pyre. Her misguided followers must be driven from the city.
(A flamekeeper cleric of the Sacred Flame studies an inflicted child from Halarahh in hopes to find a cure for this evil curse)
(Knight-Captain Theodore Marshal)
Current Location
Aligned Organization
“These evil crystals are the stuff of dark magic; anathema to order and life itself. No goodness can come from their corrupt power, and those foolish enough to believe delerium can be turned to useful purposes are truly lost.“
— Knight-Captain Theodore Marshal


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