Many-Arrows Organization in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil


Faction Overview

The Kingdom of Many-Arrows was an orc kingdom founded by Obould Many-Arrows in 1371 DR and recognized as a sovereign realm by several of the Silver Marches signatories the following year. It stretched from Mithral Hall in the west to the Moonwood in the east and to the Evermoors in the south. A glimpse into the future made it known that the kingdom would last at least 100 years to the reign of King Obould VI, but even then, renegade shamans of Gruumsh attempted to return to the old orc ways and wished to attack their neighbors instead of continuing to foster peaceful relations with them.

Neverwinter Vanguard

For much of the North’s history, orcs feared the “haunted woods” of Neverwinter. Centuries of failed raids into the forest had stirred cultural legends among the barbaric people, and they had long given the woods a wide berth. The cataclysm in Neverwinter ruptured these myths, though. And in the past twenty-plus years, orcs have returned to plague the area. Recently, King Obould XVII of the Kingdom of Many-Arrows sent a vanguard to explore options in Neverwinter. However, the commander he entrusted with the assignment—the power-hungry Vansi—far exceeded her orders. Rather than report back about the city’s state, she pressed through its walls and established a base in the old Cloak Tower, claiming territory in Neverwinter’s ruined northern half.   Meanwhile, the Abolethic Sovereignty has been making subtle overtures toward the orcs and has successfully beguiled Vansi into accepting the Spellplague “blessing,” tainting the orc commander with a powerful spellscar. The Sovereignty intends to use the spellscar to twist the orcs into becoming their most useful pawns in daylight Neverwinter. Ferocious and deadly, Vansi takes her position as commander seriously. She defied Obould’s orders because she saw an opportunity to take power in the city. Who knows? Perhaps one day, Neverwinter will become part of Many-Arrows. Though violent instincts govern her, Vansi has a strong sense of honor, and she holds true to her word when she gives it. Once befriended, she makes a valuable ally. The Spellplague shows clearly in Vansi, who literally bristles when angry. Her spellscar takes the form of ridges of bone and spines that project from her skin unexpectedly, particularly during fits of emotion. These spurs pulse with hungry blue fire.


The Obould dynasty reigned almost uninterrupted since the kingdom's founding. Although there were some civil wars, peace was maintained since the Year of the Malachite Shadows, 1460 DR. The orcs of Many-Arrows occasionally raided southern lands but an open conflict between Luruar and Many-Arrows had been completely averted as of 1479 DR. Open conflict between Many-Arrows and the Uthgardt of the region however was rife since the realm's inception. The peace and stability of Many-Arrows fell into disarray in 1484 DR, when the drow Quenthel Baenre incited the orcs into war. Hartusk began to conquer large portions of Luruar, from Nesmé and Sundabar, and laid siege to the great dwarven strongholds of Mithral Hall, Citadel Felbarr, and Citadel Adbar. The tide of the battle turned, however, the dwarven forces rallied and began to crush the opposition. As the battles raged, the dwarven forces were able to defeat the last of Chief Hartusk's forces at Dark Arrow Keep, before restoring control of the fortress to Lorgru, the son of Obould XVII, who had been framed for the assassination of his father. His name was cleared, and he took control of the remnants of the Kingdom of Many-Arrows, retreating back to Dark Arrow Keep and the Spine of the World, to try and continue his father's legacy of peaceful integration with the people of the Silver Marches.
(King Obould XVII and the Many-Arrow Orcs battle frost giants in the northern World Spine mountains)
(Orcs of the Many-Arrows tribe)
Founding Date
1371 DR
Geopolitical, Tribe
"Ashdautus Gruumsh Vrasubatlat Uk" (One day Gruumsh will kill us all)   — (Common orc farewell)


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