Forgotten realms+ Many-Arrows Occupy Neverwinter

Many-Arrows Occupy Neverwinter

Military action


The Many-Arrows vanguard led by Vansi Bloodscar had occupied area near Neverwinter and demanded tribute from their people. Discovery now Lord Dagult Neverember has taken the city as Lord Protector strikes against Neverwinter. Vansi acted against Obould's orders, believing she had a chance to seize control of Neverwinter and annex it for the kingdom of Many-Arrows. Her forces penetrated the city walls and occupied the abandoned Cloak Tower, making it their headquarters. While the Neverwintans predicted the orcs would be beaten back by the tower's magical defenses or by its cloaks, Vansi's orcs seemed to have had little trouble. From there, they claimed territory in the northeastern part of the River District, where the city was still ruined.

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