Forgotten realms+ Kingdom of Many-Arrows Founded

Kingdom of Many-Arrows Founded



Prior to the founding of the Kingdom, the Many-Arrows tribe was known as the largest, most notorious, and most successful orc tribe in the North, boasting about 40,000 members. They began waging war with Mithral Hall within three years and were widely expected to raise a horde and launch an invasion of the whole Silver Marches.   The Kingdom of Many-Arrows was founded, as a loose coalition of tribes in the Spine of the World brought together under Obould’s rule by violence and war. This centralization of orc leadership made the prospect of recognizing the Kingdom appealing to the realms of the North as they believed it would be easier to negotiate with a single king than with the various belligerent orc tribes. Thus, tired of war with the orcs, several members of the Silver Marches recognized Many-Arrows as a sovereign realm in the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, with the signing of the Treaty of Garumn's Gorge.

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