Forgotten realms+ Timeline - History of Faerûn Timeline

Timeline - History of Faerûn

Year of the Tired Horsemen

860 860

  • 860 DR

    860 DR

    Halruaan Wizard War
    Military action

    The mageocracy of Halruaa can no longer peacefully contain the drifting ideologies of the wizard elders. The established laws of magical safeguards were placed on themselves to prevent them from destroying themselves just as the great Netheril Empire did so long ago but growing numbers of wizard elders want to push for freedom of magical practices. The conflict arose from a secret faction of elders pushing arcane experiments that are too extreme even for the old Netherese Empire are eventually discovered. This leads to a magical civil war with each side fighting for control of the council of elders and Halruaa. The renegades were forced out of the kingdom and eventually, settled in time founding Thay.


Year of the Exploding Orl

861 861

  • 861 DR

    Knights of the Sacred Flame founded

    Tarna Flamefist becomes a Saint and founds the religious order Knights of the Sacred Flame. Serving Halruaa and the church of Amauntor in the civil war against the dark wizards who attempted to overthrow Halruaa, she inspired and led those of her faith against the enemies of Halruaa. The paladins and clerics that followed her into battle were crucial in destroying the powerful dark wizards and the abominations they unleashed on Halruaa. The Halruaan Council of Elders supports the creation of her order as another check on themselves to prevent dark wizardry from taking hold in their ranks. The Knights of the Sacred Flame serve as a watcher to route out wizards who begin to practice dark magic which has been forbidden by the law of Halruaa.


Year of the Bats

915 915

  • 915 DR

    Phandelver's Pact

    The town of Phandalin founded. The pact was, initially, an agreement between a gnome and dwarf clan. Later, a group of human spellcasters and those of the town of Phandalin became allied with them. The formal agreement of the pact was essentially that the three parties would share the profits of the Wave Echo Cave. The cave had great mineral wealth, and was highly magical. The human mages, along with the original clans of the pact, bound the magical energy into a forge known as the Forge of Spells. The magical forge could be used to enchant items, such as dwarven weapons and gnomish gadgets.


Year of the Doomguard

950 950

  • 950 DR

    The Wonders of Phandalin Written
    Life, Education

    The Wonders of Phandalin was a book detailing the rising glory of the town known as Phandalin. The book itself was bound with a hardback cover, though over time it became aged such that the pages cracked at a touch. The Wonders of Phandalin described Phandalin as extremely prosperous, even claiming that it would rival Neverwinter for the title of 'Jewel of the North'. The tome also detailed the Phandelver's Pact and the Forge of Spells, along with the alliance of humans, dwarves, and gnomes.   This book was written in 950 DR, when Phandalin was at the peak of its renown under the leadership of Mayor Alderleaf.


Year of the Empty Hourglass

951 951

  • 951 DR

    Sacking of Phandalin
    Military action

    When the orcs of the realm of Uruth Ukrypt had destroyed all game in their realm, they went in search of food and turned on the human settlements in the area, raiding them. Phandalin was one of these settlements, and in the Year of the Empty Hourglass, 951 DR, it was overrun and then abandoned. The town remained abandoned for centuries.   During the orcish assault, the Forge of Spells is also ravaged and its inhabitants killed. Mormesk, the final defending wizard, was turned into a wraith and commanded his undead companions. The walls were scorched, and many of the worktops laid in ruin.


Year of the Tightening Fist

1074 1074

  • 1074 DR

    Edicts of Lumen
    Political event

    The Elders and Netyarch of Halruaa continue to see the complications of their mageocracy and move to adopt a strong centralized government that is separated from magic practices. They ratify their laws to pave the way for a government that continues to embrace the ideals of their fine nation but allows the nobles to rule more over the non-magical affairs of Halruaa. They adopt a constitution known as the Edicts of Lumen, which separates these responsibilities and ends the reigns of mage-kings. This creates a noble republic senate with a monarch king to rule most of the affairs of the land while allowing the council of archmage elders led by a High Elder to focus on the rule over the magical affairs of the land.


Year of the Tressym

1263 1263

  • 1263 DR

    Halruaa relocates capital
    Political event

    The Halruaa reformation from a magocratic oligarchy to a republic monarchy continues. The crowned monarchy House von Kessel relocates the capital from Halagard to Halarahh for defensive purposes and provides an independent seat of power for House nobles to govern more efficiently.


Year of the Ormserpent

1295 1295

  • 1295 DR

    Founding of Rothé Valley Village

    The village was founded within a secluded valley with verdant farmlands and wilderness that was rich with life just inside the Crags just northeast of Neverwinter. Following the cataclysmic events of the Spellplague a century later the village was cut off from the world and forgotten about by the surrounding world. The town was later rejoined with the outside world when a mysterious tunnel appears in the Year of Ten Terrors, 1429 DR.

    Rothé Valley

Year of Shadows

1358 1358

  • 1358 DR

    Time of Trouble
    Religious event

    The Time of Troubles was precipitated by an attempt by the gods Bane and Myrkul to steal the Tablets of Fate from the overdeity Ao. Angry at the gods for their habitual pursuit of power and negligence toward their mortal faithful, Lord Ao relegated every god (except for the guardian god Helm, selected to protect the gates to the heavens) to walk among their followers on the earth. This included the gods of pantheons far removed from Faerûn, such as the Kara-Turan pantheon and Maztican pantheon.   First, divine magic (spells granted to clerics by their patron deities) ceased to function altogether for many clerics. Second, arcane magic (a force channeled from the Weave by wizards and sorcerers) ceased to be regulated by its steward, Mystra, and became dangerously unpredictable. Third, the characteristically immortal and aloof deities were now vulnerable (though still devastatingly powerful) and dwelling among the civilizations of Faerûn.

Year of the Serpent

1359 1359

  • 1359 DR

    Ao shatters the Tablets of Fate

    The Tablets of Fate were powerful artifacts in the form of stone slabs that served to maintain the balance between the forces of Law and Chaos, and acted as a barrier between the worlds of Abeir and Toril. But also divinely dictate how all planes in the realmspace are separated. The Tablets also had the additional function of recording the names and purposes of every god and primordial in the universe.   Furious over the theft of the Tablets of Fate and how the gods are acting in the Time of Troubles, Ao shatters the tablets breaking the divine-held barriers between the realms. As a result, the planes of the realm begin to slide and merge together. Some of these shifts are gradual but others are more drastic as it bring large sections of the plane domains into the lands of Toril.

Year of the Turret

1360 1360

  • 1360 DR

    Planar Shifts strike the Beastlands
    Disaster / Destruction

    As a major result of the Tablets of Fate being destroyed, Toril experiences a massive planar shift to the Beastlands, a region of plains at the eastern end of the Shaar. The region suddenly becomes home to hundreds of miles of features and inhabitants from several other planes including Abeir, Aborea, the Shadowfell, and the Feywild. The sudden planar shift in the same place causes massive damage to all parties.   The confusion and destruction lead many of the empires to wrongly assume other parties were responsible and fighting and bloodshed takes place. These results ultimately lead to a great war among the powerful political powers of this now newly formed "Shifted Lands" as each fought for their way of life and very survival in a new hostile homeland.

Year of Maidens

1361 1361

  • 1361 DR

    Veldorn Wars
    Military: War

    The chaos from the planar shifting in the Beastlands of Eastern Shaar, now known by many as the Shifted Lands, has settled but resulted in countless bloodshed among converged empires and factions currently all occupying the same region. The Veldorn Empire, an Abeir draconic empire, has made it clear that peace is impossible by formalizing the war on the elven kingdom known as the Court of Stars.

Year of the Unstrung Harp

1371 1371

  • 1371 DR

    Kingdom of Many-Arrows Founded

    Prior to the founding of the Kingdom, the Many-Arrows tribe was known as the largest, most notorious, and most successful orc tribe in the North, boasting about 40,000 members. They began waging war with Mithral Hall within three years and were widely expected to raise a horde and launch an invasion of the whole Silver Marches.   The Kingdom of Many-Arrows was founded, as a loose coalition of tribes in the Spine of the World brought together under Obould’s rule by violence and war. This centralization of orc leadership made the prospect of recognizing the Kingdom appealing to the realms of the North as they believed it would be easier to negotiate with a single king than with the various belligerent orc tribes. Thus, tired of war with the orcs, several members of the Silver Marches recognized Many-Arrows as a sovereign realm in the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, with the signing of the Treaty of Garumn's Gorge.

Year of Wild Magic

1372 1372

  • 1372 DR

    Wailing Death Strikes Neverwinter
    Plague / Epidemic

    A disease known as the Wailing Death, that resisted even magical healing, killed much of the population of Neverwinter. The cure was eventually found but the casualties by that time were catastrophic. It was soon discovered that the Wailing Death was merely the precursor of war between Neverwinter and its longtime rival, the city of Luskan. Although it was Queen Morag who sponsored the war, as part of her plot to return to Toril, rather than the Host Tower of the Arcane, the fighting soured the relationship between the two cities even more.


Year of Rogue Dragons

1373 1373

  • 1373 DR

    Second Halruaan Wizard War
    Military action

    Legendary archmage Akhlaur, is only interested in increasing his power through research of dangerous magic and accidentally opens a permanent gateway to the Elemental Plane of Water which he was lost to for some time. His experiments and return from the Elemental plane had driven him insane and he begins a war with Halruaa. He ends up battling the Grand Elder archmage himself Zalathorm Kirkson, in which in a grand terrifying display of magic they end each other's life.


Year of Lightning Storms

1374 1374

  • 1374 DR

    The Deliverance of Amaunator
    Religious event

    Amaunator the ancient Netherese solar deity of order, the sun, law, and time returns from a dormant state with the "Deliverance". This takes place in the form of visions to those who revere aspects of the Amauntor portfolio and aggressively urges them to seek the path of Amaunator sun faith. This causes schisms in the faith of Lathander as they begin to lose many of their own faith. From their interpretations, many Amaunator & Lathander sects are created and existing ones begin to have radical changes.

  • 1374 DR

    The Followers of the Falling Fire Founded

    Lucretia Mathias of Halruaa, a Flamekeeper of the Knights of the Sacred Flame, and a devoted follower of the Amauntor faith is touched by the Deliverance of Amauntor. She begins to speak of fringe beliefs and a celestial prophecy that are apocalyptic omens. Despite her reputation, her visions were dismissed as an apocalyptic fantasy and largely suppressed at the time.   The mainstream clergy have excommunicated Lucretia Mathias and branded her followers as an insane cult with heretical beliefs and blasphemous practices. Even still, masses of devout commonfolk now embark on a dangerous pilgrimage to Halruaa to take their place in a divine plan. The Followers of the Falling Fire is founded.


Year of Blue Fire

1385 1385

  • 1385 DR

    Spellplague Strikes Neverwinter
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Spellplague strikes Neverwinter. Though was not hit as hard as other settlements on the Sword Coast, and when Lord Nasher died, his son, Bann Alagondar, founded the Alagondar royal family that ruled Neverwinter fair and well, allowing to the city to prosper in the hard times after the Spellplague. Unknown to the citizens of Neverwinter, however, was the fact that a small plagueland was formed in the Underdark below the city.

  • 1385 DR

    Halruaa devestated by Spellplague
    Disaster / Destruction

    The arcane rich nation of Halruaa is devastated by the Spellplague. Waves of Spellplague strongly rip through the Weave causing heavy wild magic activity in the area, in such a catastrophic way causing meteors of Spellplague fire to rain down across the nation, warping and removing large sections of land, creating tidal waves, and causing explosions that were felt as far as Waterdeep. Those lands left behind were transformed into one of the most virulent plaguelands. Those who dared to explore the lands of Halruaa in the following years risked being infected by Halruaan Consumption.


The Wailing Years

1392 1392

  • 1392 DR

    1400 DR

    The Kessel Wars
    Military: War

    With the Halruaan royal family assumed dead, Mannfred von Kessel, the next heir in line declares himself the king of Halruaa only to be challenged by the more popular younger sister Cecilia von Kessel. This political maneuvering ultimately spills into a civil war between eastern Traditionalist forces that support Mannfred von Kessel and western Reformation forces that support Cecilia von Kessel. The war would go on for eight years resulting in the loss of much Halruaan blood only to end suddenly with both heirs assassinated.


Year of the Exorcised Helm

1402 1402

  • 1402 DR

    Hooded Lanterns Founded

    With the fate royal line unknown, Halruaa is slowly disintegrating into a realm of squabbling fiefdoms, yet some of the fractured nobility hold a glimmer of hope in restoring the nation and rebuilding the capital. They combine resources to form the 4th Provisional Expeditionary Force to Reclaim the Captial and appoint the decorated civil war hero Elias Drexel as the Lord Commander. This guerilla regiment was nicknamed after magical lamps carried by the old city watch: the Hooded Lanterns.


Year of the Sceptered One

1404 1404

  • 1404 DR

    Halarahh Reclamation Begins
    Military action

    Multiple military operations have attempted to retake the capital of Halarahh since the Year of Blue Fire. Each has ended in miserable failure, and the contaminated ruins have swallowed thousands of soldiers' lives. What remains of these assaults are merely twisted monsters and undead monstrosities form from the risen corpses of these regiments.   Under the leadership of Lord Commander Elias Drexel, the Hooded Lanterns have finally broken the losing streak of previous military operations. Rather than making an all-out assault on the ruins, they have taken a methodical approach. After spending nearly a year carefully scouting out the ruins, they began clearing out important fortifications in the city to use as staging grounds for future operations.


Year of the Golden Mask

1405 1405

  • 1405 DR

    Queen's Men Founded

    When the Hooded Lanterns arrived in Halarahh a few years ago, they resolved to restore order. Presenting a united front against the fractious outlaws, the Hooded Lanterns met with early success in driving out the more violent and bloodthirsty among them. Then, an enigmatic figure emerged. This self-proclaimed “Queen of Thieves” used assassination, trickery, intimidation, and guile to reshape the disparate gangs into a budding criminal empire. Her plots have sabotaged many important Hooded Lanterns operations, and the Lord Commander believes the Queen of Thieves blackmailed several of his important backers into withdrawing their support.


Year of Knowledge Unearthed

1451 1451

  • 1451 DR

    The Ruining of Neverwinter
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Alagondar line of kings and queens ruled their city fairly and well until, at some point before Year of Knowledge Unearthed, 1451 DR, the Lords of Waterdeep put Lord Hugo Babris in charge of the city and shadow war for Neverwinter takes place between the Netherese and Red Wizards of Thay. Using Adventures as pawns they have an expedition to Mount Hotenow that briefly awakes the primordial Maegera, who, in a fit of rage, released a burst of energy so powerful that it forced the eruption of the dormant volcano.   The resultant earthquake and combination of pyroclastic flow and lava destroyed much of Neverwinter. A great rift known as the Chasm ripped apart the southeastern quarter of the city, and strange ash zombies and plaguechanged horrors haunted the ruins, being released from the plagueland below Neverwinter. Thousands of citizens died during the cataclysm, including the Alagondar royal family, while many others fled to other cities, leaving only a desperate few to carve out an ill existence among the ruins.   The remaining Neverwintians were determined to survive in spite of the tragedy, however, and put a brave resistance against the plaguechanged horrors. They eventually built the Wall, using debris and other materials, sacrificing the southeastern quadrant but securing the rest of the city. The Blacklake District endured the cataclysm almost unscathed, and for a time it became the center of the city


Year of the Three Heroes United

1467 1467

  • 1467 DR

    Lord Protector Dagult Neverember Declared
    Political event

    Lord Dagult Neverember, seeing an opportunity to add to his financial empire, hired workers to help rebuild the city and Mintarn mercenaries to protect it from monsters and bandits. Claiming to be a descendant of Neverwinter's former rulers and thus the rightful "Lord Protector" of the city, Dagult started the New Neverwinter movement. Lord Neverember invested a great deal of his own fortune to rebuild the city's infrastructure, buy the interest of merchants to send their caravans again to Neverwinter, and even ensure Neverwintan refugees had enough food and gold in hand.


Year of the First Circle

1468 1468

  • 1468 DR

    Many-Arrows Occupy Neverwinter
    Military action

    The Many-Arrows vanguard led by Vansi Bloodscar had occupied area near Neverwinter and demanded tribute from their people. Discovery now Lord Dagult Neverember has taken the city as Lord Protector strikes against Neverwinter. Vansi acted against Obould's orders, believing she had a chance to seize control of Neverwinter and annex it for the kingdom of Many-Arrows. Her forces penetrated the city walls and occupied the abandoned Cloak Tower, making it their headquarters. While the Neverwintans predicted the orcs would be beaten back by the tower's magical defenses or by its cloaks, Vansi's orcs seemed to have had little trouble. From there, they claimed territory in the northeastern part of the River District, where the city was still ruined.


Year of the Fifth CIrcle

1476 1476

  • 1476 DR

    Resettling of Phandalin

    Settlers from Neverwinter and Waterdeep began resettling the ruins of Phandalin, and the rebuilt town was well-established by the Year of the Scarlet Witch, 1481 DR. Around this time, challenges befell the town. Struggles with monsters, cultists, and bandits are constant problems for those who settled in Phandalin. Which have committed several terrible acts, such as racketing local businesses, and kidnapping over a dozen travelers to sell into slavery.


Year of the Ageless One

1479 1479

  • 1479 DR

    Siege of Neverwinter
    Military action

    Willing to take advantage of the chaos in Neverwinter because of the actions of many factions within the city, Valindra Shadowmantle launched a surprise attack against the city. With the aid of a few Red Wizards, Valindra sent a legion of undead to besiege Neverwinter. She also got control over a dracolich, and she sent it to attack the ships in and near the Docks before sending it to attack the city proper. How she got control over a dracolich was unknown, but some speculated it was given to her by members of the Cult of the Dragon.   Under the military leadership of General Sabine and Sergeant Knox, Neverwinter's city guard organized a quick defense against the undead and was able to defeat the dracolich and ultimately push back the invading Red Wizards.   After their defeat, Valindra and the Red Wizards were forced to flee from the heart of the city. They took refuge in Neverdeath, and began to plot their next movement. In the following weeks, several factions and individuals tried to take advantage of the chaos caused by the attack to advance their own agendas


Year of Deep Water Drifting

1480 1480

  • 1480 DR

    Neverwinter Nights Established
    Life, Education

    Neverwinter Nights publication was established. Neverwinter Nights kept its readers informed of famous musicians' visits, new fanciful establishments, and upcoming book releases. Arguably, the Neverwinter Nights' gossip section was the most popular, covering high society feuds, disgraceful occurrences, scandals, bans, and even murders and pregnancies. Neverwinter Nights was edited and published by Lundrago Mursimmur.
