Charbridge Bathhouse Building / Landmark in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Charbridge Bathhouse

Looking for a place to imbue yourself with the healing influence of the sea, but long soaks bore you? Then the Bathmatic Express is for you. All the health benefits of a long bath in only 4 minutes.
  The Charbridge Bathhouse, is the only bathhouse in the Charbridge district. Its owner is Ksenala, a retired nano, which after a good number of delves into different ruins, decided to retire and invest her money and artefacts into this bathhouse. But as great as her knowledge and creativity for everything related to the numenera is. This creativity does not extend to the art of naming, so after discarding some of the really ugly names, she decided to name it as the district herself.   The bath started as a challenge: Could she design a bath, which could take all the benefits offered in every other bathhouse in the city and condense them into a 5 minutes experience? The answer relies on inside this building and she has called it Bathmatic Express  

The building


The building is quite modest. It has two floors and a basement. The exterior is made almost exclusively of the same reddish wood as many other houses are. A huge number of pipes of various sides, come and go from the nearby seaside to somewhere in the basement.   There are two signs hanging in the front. Both of them are made with the same pipes, you can see going to the basement. The first one does not have any modifications, it shows an interestingly detailed bath. The second one, above, have the pipes treated to be transparent and contain a liquid, which changes from green to blue. It reads: "Bathmatic Express"


Once you got through the door. You are welcome into a small reception area. Ksenala husband mans the reception. The price list is on the reception table. The entry to the main attraction, The Bathmatic Express is on the right. You can also enjoy a regular bath if you wish to. As the establishment has two of them, which can be accessed to the front. Those are pretty standard, filled with seawater, which can be enjoyed hot or cold. The last door is marked as private and leads to the stairs, for the second floor, where the family lives.
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The Bathmatic Express

If you come alone, the first room you access is a changing room. This is a well-decorated standard room, with the wall made of wood. You will find racks to deposit all of your clothes. A nice bench to sit down and show polish station next to it. Clean towels and creams to use after the bath, are also present.
After you are ready, you need to push a small button on the metallic synth door. Which open the way toward the Bathmatic itself.
This room is a complete contrast with the previous one. Completely made of metallic synth, it has its walls covered with different tubes of different sizes and other bath instruments.   A blue circle stands in the middle of the room, where the person taking the bath, need to stand. Once there, a force field activates, and the person is put in simulated zero gravity. Next, the room is filled with hot, perfumed mist and the bath program starts. Different bath implements clear any dirt in both the body and hair, while the shoulders, neck and feet are massaged. The hair is washed, treated and stylized. To finish it off, before dropping the person back on the floor, the mist is removed and a salty breeze, completely dry and perfumes both hair and body.   The Bathmatic experience is an individual one. If you come with a group, you can rent a conventional bath as well, where the group can relax and enjoy each other company, while the individuals go thought their Bathmatic. To ensure this option is available, it's recommended to reserve it ahead of time, as the bathroom available for this, can also be rented individually.  

Prices and availability

The pricing is simple in theory, and very affordable, compared to other bathhouses. They got 2 packages dedicated for groups:
  • Normal bath: 40 shins for the rooms with filtered seawater. 10 more if the water is requested hot for up to 2 or 3 hours.
  • Bathmatic group bath: 35 shins for the room, which includes hot water bath + 10 shins for each person who whish to enjoy the Bathmatic experience.
And the Individual Bathmatic experience, 15 shins per person. with slots every 15 minutes. Those are the official prices, but it's a well know fact Ksenala loves cyphers and even oddities . On a busy day, a nice cypher can bump your spot in the queue and in a quiet day nice oddities, can cover the price of your Bathmatic.  


This is a family business. The reception is manned by Ksenala's husband, while the cleaning up and refreshing of small elements, like towels and snacks, is done by his sister. Ksenala monitors and repairs all the different artefacts that made up the heating pumps and most importantly the Bathmatic.  


The Bathmatic experience is exploding like wildfire in popularity. Those who tried, mention that being washed while floating in the room, is a unique experience like nothing else they have tried before. Even when the installations are quite humble and clearly not designed for those with money in mind. They are still coming.  
Ksenala is not very appreciative of her bath becoming another rich business or rich insensitive customer, so if you got no manners, you better have good numenera to pay with. This is why her husbands man the reception.
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