Charbridge Settlement in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil


Looking for some new numenera? Well, if the ones here are not exciting enough for you, you should try to search in Charbridge. That where most people who scavenge it from the forest lives these days
— Ulog


East to the port in the Old Town district, there was always a few streets where those who delve in the nearby The Westwood Forest in search of numenera from the old worlds normally frequented, to both rest, resupply their expeditions and in some cases, retire. Even when this area has always been clearly different from any other in the city, due to the restriction on numenera traffic, imposed on the whole peninsula, it was too small to be considered a district on its own.   This changed, around 350AT, when a surge of interest into the ruins, and the romanticised lives of those who explored them, catch up in the nobles families which controlled the city, imported from the capital, Charmonde. With the war so far in the past and the forest on its way to be colonized, they decided to ease the restriction and allow what was essentially an unlimited number of licences for those who wanted to deal with numenera.   With the restriction eased and the city already mostly dedicated to tourism, a new market flourished. Guided expedition for those who could pay, into old worlds ruins, which in turn, exponentially grow this section of the port. 10 years after, the sector was already named after the bridge which connected it to the Old Town market, Charbridge.


This district does not have any official defences. But due to the number of numenera constructions, and the unofficial contest regarding house construction, this is indeed the best-defended district in the city. Many of the houses, have portable defences or are made with old materials, which are more durable than the city walls. And a good percentage of the people who live here faces battles on a regular basis.


This district is quite eclectic, compared to the rest of the city. The buildings rarely match architectures, sometimes even when they belong to the person or organization. The materials they are built from are normally exotic, as well, frequently of numenera origin.
This is due to two factors:
  1. The people who live here can't resist a little bit of showing off, in their house, to show their skills. It has become an unofficial compentition
  2. The fast-growing pace of this district, which makes anything but the most basic urban planning quite difficult
There is one rule, that is applied without hesitation. The constructions need to be stable and safe. Only safe numenera is allowed. If any building became dangerous or the numenera unstable, the owner risk being expelled from the city. numenera experimentation need an additional license and those who normally do it, are asked to do so, outside of the city walls.

Points of interest

Ruins explorations headquarters

Ruins explorations for all! is consider the heart of the district, almost everyone living here, directly or indirectly works for them, at least from time to time.

The Adventure Inn

The Inn started as a place for all those newcomers to live when they first arrived in the city, but soon many who wished to hear from the ruins started to frequent the place. So now it's divided into three sections: The Inn for those who live there. The Inn where those live nearby and want to have a good time. The Inn for the tourists, normally affluent tourists who are considering hiring Ruins explorations for all!.

The New forge

Despite the name, this is neither a unique building nor a forge. It is the numenera design market. If you have the money and want an artefact made or repaired. This is the best place to go.


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