Eastern Sea Geographic Location in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Eastern Sea

From the east of Entrelai to apparently the infinite, there is a large mass of water, which is normally called the Easter Sea or the Easter waters.
Some scholars speculate that if the world is curved as it appears to be, there must be dry land, somewhere beyond The Islands Conclave, but where exactly is hard to determine and no one who has departed to find this land, has ever found or in most cases, even returned.


The sea is normally divided into two sections:

The Inner Sea:

This is the coastal area for both Entrelai and The Island Conclave. It is frequently navigated, for commerce and resource gathering. And even when nobody would call it safe, at least, its dangers are known. This area is easier to navigate than the forest above ground, especially from the surface. Diving and navigating it underwater becomes more problematic as the corals create many crevices and it's very easy to get lost in them.  

The Outer Sea

Beyond the Islands of the Conclave, there arising from the sea, the impressive ruins of several buildings shaped like winged humanoid creatures. Many people in the Conclave, consider them the guardians of the deeper sea. They exist to protect the island from the dangers of the sea and also to serve as a warning. They are used as navigation signs and revered by those in Conclave. The figures seem to resemble family groups.
The coral path of eels
In the Entrelai coastal area, paralet to The Frontier Forest, there is a underwater forest, just as tupid as the one above. It vaguely start from the Sea Fortress coast and stretch along until the end of it. It marks the aquatic frontier between Entrelai and The Conclave.
The salt marsh of lanterns
A particular area in The Islands Conclave has a particularly violent tidal salt marsh. In low tides, the space between the island can be walked through. But people use a boats/cart hybrid, as the tides are very irregular and the water can return in a matter of minutes. This area is full of life. The creatures here are adapted to be amphibious or to move quickly with the tides.

Political division

This inner sea is normally divided in two for political reasons: The area left to the coral path is considered to be Entrelai territory while the area to the right is considered to be part of The Islands Conclave . The frontier area between the two is used by groups which feel safer taking care of their business far from the reaches of anyone on any of the coasts.


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