Entrelai decree

The Entrelai Decree, or under its full title, The Entrelai Decree for the Protection of its Borders and Citizens, is the decree approved by the first​ Crystal leader of The capital, Spiralai, to declare all territory between the North and South rivers under its protection. Any settlement in the area will be protected by their militia and allowed to claim residency in Spiralai or receive help rebuilding in case of a natural or numenera-caused disaster in their area.


Since the founding of the city, The Crystal family has held the central structure which powers the city's powerful defensive barrier, while The Sinclave family has held the citadels from which the barrier is created. As such, both were needed to activate them, which usually held each other at bay. This situation was used by other political families to try to ally to oust them from such prominent positions of power. This three-way war created the day-to-day status quo in the city.   The situation changed drastically after a massive earthquake left most of Spiralai in shambles. Temporarily free of any other family influence, the Crystal and Sinclave families joined to consolidate power in the city and destroy the three-way war forever. The union was done using a political marriage, with the intention to create an heir to both families and crown them as the future King of Spiralai.   Thirty years later, Harlam was officially proclaimed King of Spiralai, the first Crystal leader of the city, now officially under Crystal political control, with the Sinclave holding finantial control of the city. In the next ten years, more changes were introduced to both the city and the adjacent regions, culminating in a declaration of protection for the area between the rivers, under the capital, Spiralai control. The state of Entrelai was born.
Decree, Governmental
Authoring Date
290 AE
Signatories (Organizations)

Cover image: by midjourney AI


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