Extended Family

This organization exists inside Serene, the Stranded Ship, to provide shelter to any kid in the ship or the city who no longer has anyone to care for them. It is one of the few services that extend to the entire city. The organization offers shelter, food, and education to any child in need of care.  


After The unification war ended,there was a high number of orphaned children, some of them related to those who fought in the war. According to the royals decree, they could be captured and sold as slaves in The capital, Spiralai. Although this wouldn't apply to most children, mercenaries were often paid by numbers, and the information regarding relationships was rarely verified. To prevent this fate from befalling the children in the city, two midwives living in the ship took aboard as many orphan children as they could find. Other families in the ship also took in some of the orphans, and in some cases, the children were even hidden in the intermediate levels of the ship.   Several years later, when things had calmed down, the same midwives requested resources from the governance to do what they had been doing covertly in a more official and organized manner. Initially, their request was ignored, but due to their persistence and to avoid having begging children in the streets, it was finally accepted. Thus, the organization was officially born  


The two oldest midwives in the ship are officially the ones in charge of the organization. Below them, there is an array of caretakers, volunteers, and teachers who take care of the different children under the organization's care. On average, they have around 30 children of different ages under their care. The children begin attending school when they are around 6 years old and start helping with small tasks within the organization shortly after.   When the children turn 15, they are considered adults and are no longer under the direct care of the organization. However, they are welcome to remain as volunteers for as long as they wish.   The school where these children learn is the same unofficial school attended by every child in Serene, the Stranded Ship. This school officially doesn't exist and is not considered part of the organization. However, in reality, it is an extension of Extended Family and actually the main reason of it existence. The school has several full-time teachers working for it. Like the volunteers, the teachers do not receive any pay, but all their needs are covered inside the ship.  

Assets and location inside the ship

The orphanage has a section on the second floor of the above levels in the ship, with the school next to it. The full extent of the room they have includes:
  • Several rooms for the children, grouped by ages. The caretakers sleep with the small ones.
  • Individual rooms for the volunteers and teachers.
  • Rooms and labs for the classes.
  • A full kitchen, with a common room for eating. This room is also used as a common area for children and adults alike in the organization.
  • Where does the found come from?
    The amount of money, which is officially provided to this organization is minimal. But there are two other organization which provided sustantial donations: Ruins explorations for all! and Serene Bath-house Guild. This is becuase a subtantial amount of the graduates from this family, end up working in one of this organizations.


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