Gift vision

It is important to understand that even when these buildings have teachers and the crafts learned here can have a practical purpose, this is not equivalent to a guild house where kids take an apprenticeship to get a future profession. Instead, it is a place where they learn which other skills they may enjoy practicing, outside of the everyday demands of life on the island.
  The Gift Vision is an idea that materializes in a building present on each island of the Conclave. The idea is that anyone in the archipelago should find and perfect a passion, which nurtures the Conclave's collective soul. Each Gift vision follows the same basic structure: a large common room with small divisions for each craft that can be practiced there. The size and, to an extent, the number of crafts for which the room contains materials depend on the size of the settlement they are in.   In the smallest settlements, the Gift vision is located in the common building where everyone works on necessary day-to-day crafts on the island. On the biggest island, their Gift vision is a complex, with different buildings dedicated to different crafts. Each one of them functions half as a workshop and half as a school. They have materials and teachers to instruct on the basics of a myriad of arts and crafts, from dance to calligraphy, passing through more practical skills like ceramics and woodworking.   Each Gift vision , together with the common rooms, serves as the core for social gatherings on each island. The use of this building is very high, acting as a common room where everyone in the settlement spends a good amount of time.
Owning Organization


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