Govermenance and Guild Halls Building / Landmark in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Govermenance and Guild Halls

Originally called the common governance townsplace, this was originally the building, where the Serene coulcil reunite to discuss problems with the city and receive anyone who whished to discuss a situation with them.   After The unification war, This is the place is where all Serene guilds headquarters were moved. The official reason for the move, was to facilitate contact with the different guilds, by having them all in one building. The real reason for it, was to ensure the governor and the governance civil servants could keep tabs on everything happening the city, by forcing all regulated trade association under tigh control and vigilance. Those guild which were consider big enought or important enought, to require it, were given a room for themselves. The rest had to do with a shared area, with different scribe desk to serve their needs.   Of course, the main reason, each guild had its own building, was the amount of space and people required for them were already to great for a single building. So short after the move, the governor gave in and allow some secondary guilds activities to be carried out in their secondary buildings, as long as all recruitment and primary activities were still carrier over the main building.  


The original design of building is very nautical, barely curved walls, over different leves, with round windows to allow for ilumination and ventilation. The building main entrance is located on its right side, with main floor opened to the main square, using some of the metalic syth taken directly from The docks. Inside, the building have only some permanents wall, those needed to maintain the structure. The rest of the "walls" can be move at will, to allow the compartimentalization to change over time, when circustances demanded it. Some of this movable walls were taken from the The docks as well, but not all of them.   After the building was reclaimed by royals, the internal arquitecture changed to a more permanent one. The exterior, was changed to be more elaborated, to show the regime change. Most windows were also remove and replaced by square ones.
Government complex
Parent Location


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