Grenda Mariner Character in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Grenda Mariner

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Grenda Mariner is normally presented as an example of how good things always come in small packages. Her years of dedicated exploration of ruins have sculpted her physique, resulting in a sturdy build and well-defined muscles. While she may not conform to conventional standards of beauty, she possesses a captivating charisma that few can ignore.

Like many individuals in her region, including her family. Grenda's skin has a lightly brown hue with subtle green undertones. Her hair, a lustrous shade of pure black, is typically gathered in a braid, keeping it neat and practical during her adventures. Her eyes are dark brown, brimming with determination and wisdom, which offer a glimpse into her indomitable spirit.

A past accident during one of her ventures led to the loss of her right leg, which is now replated by a numenera prosthetic. Her left arm is also prosthetic, but whether this was due to another accident or an intentional modification isn't widely known.

Even when her clothes and hair disguise it well, she has undergone some modifications in her spine, making it more prominent. This modification aims to enhance her perception and facilitate her interaction with certain numenera.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born in Serene, a city where her family, the Mariner, has resided for generations. Her family have been living in this land since the time when it was only composed of the giant Serene, the Stranded Shipm which lends its name to the city.

Her parents, both being nano, ensured that Grenda had ample exposure to numenera from infancy. During her early years, she spent much of her time in the vast expanse of the giant ship, surrounded by other children who resided there. Together, they would explore the various stalls and occasionally venture into the mostly empty intermediate levels. Whenever these excursions were planned by the group, Grenda naturally took on the leader role, ensuring that everyone was prepared for the adventure ahead.

The gang on the ship is trustworthy. The other children inside the ship are ok, but mistrust those who live outside, as they could be spies for the royals
— Young Grenda Mariner
  Like many children on the ship, Grenda grew up hearing tales of the atrocities of the old war and the subsequent cruelty of the royals. These stories instilled in her a sense of secrecy and mistrust towards those who were not part of the ship's community, including other inhabitants of Serene city itself. When she reached the age of 10, Grenda began spending time in her parents' second residence, a numenera laboratory, located in the Charbridge district. This marked the beginning of her formal education in the realm of old technology, numenera, and the skills required to work with it.    


She received her basic education from the unofficial community school within Serene, the Stranded Ship This school exclusively caters to the children residing on the ship and does not accept outsiders. The curriculum provided a foundation in reading, writing, basic mathematics, the history of the city, and the old alliance. While the school offers an overview of the ship's key activities and some basic numenera knowledge, the specific details were typically left to the parents' responsibility for teaching.   Grenda's parents, being well-versed in numenera themselves, provided her with further advanced training in this ancient technology, nurturing her skills and expanding her understanding of its intricacies.   Her time spent in the forest instilled in Grenda a keen sense of vigilance. She learned the importance of being attuned to her surroundings, not only to detect potential threats but also to blend seamlessly with her environment and avoid drawing unnecessary attention when necessary. The accidents she experienced in the ruins make her realize, that even with extensive preparation, unforeseen circumstances could arise. She developed a keen sense of adaptability, learning how to move strategically in dangerous situations while keeping her focus on progress.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Ruins explorations for all! have grown in influence and power, since she got in charge of the organization.
  • While she was young, she guided teams to discover new ruins, which are being used by the organization now.
  • Failures & Embarrassments

    She lost half of her team and her right left in a collapse while exploring a new ruin in the plains of The Peninsula

    Intellectual Characteristics

    She is not only clever and curious but also highly ambitious, constantly seeking new knowledge and pushing herself to achieve more.   From a very young age, Grenda recognized the importance of understanding others and building connections as a means to garner support for her endeavors. She intuitively grasped that by knowing her gang, the individuals she works and interacts with, she could effectively anticipate their needs and motivations, making preparations for various eventualities much easier. This astute understanding of human dynamics enables her to navigate social interactions with finesse and create a sense of investment among those around her.   The secretive atmosphere that pervades the ship has further honed Grenda's cautious approach when it comes to dealing with others. Living within the confines of the ship, where trust is selective and outsiders are viewed with skepticism, she has become adept at assessing people, discerning their intentions, and carefully choosing the appropriate level of disclosure.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Grenda Mariner holds a deep conviction that her people, both in the city and the forest, suffer under the oppressive rule of the royals. In her view, any action taken to liberate her people from this occupation is justified, even if it means resorting to drastic measures. However, she firmly believes that cruelty is a characteristic of the cowardly and prefers to approach resistance in a calculated and strategic manner.   For Grenda, the key lies in ensuring that threats are swiftly neutralized without drawing unnecessary attention. She believes that making a spectacle of one's actions only serves to attract unwanted scrutiny, which can ultimately backfire. Instead, she advocates for a measured approach, where the threat is discreetly and effectively eliminated, leaving minimal trace and minimizing the risk of retaliation or exposure.
    Current Location
    Date of Birth
    23 Affection 349
    dark brown
    Black and long. collected in a braid
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    light brown with green undertones.
    Aligned Organization


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