Killing Sands

Long ago, before our ancestor arrived to this blesed city, the area west of the mountains was green and fertile. That was before the killing sands which forsaken the ancestral lands
  Before The Killing Sands created The Impossible Desert, the area west of Entrelai, beyond the mountains, was even lusher than it is here. The Crystal family sent parties over the mountains from time to time to ensure that the storm is not moving toward them, as they all had histories of the time when the Killing Sands first arrived at what was their home back then.  
First, there was the drought
The first signal that something was very wrong presented itself on the day when the dry season normally transitioned to the wet season, as the rains never arrived. The settlers waited in vain for them for months, while the earth dried up and their water reserves dwindled. Some areas were abandoned, and most of the population migrated to those rivers which still carried water within them.  
Then the sinkholes
In one of those semi-abandoned areas, the earth shook, destroying any remaining constructions still standing. This event caused several sinkholes to open up, reaching towards the sky. Nobody was there to notice, but something that resembled sand started to emanate from these sinkholes.  
Finally the killer storm
After a few days, a savage storm raged over the area. However, even from a distance, this storm didn't look like anything anyone had seen before. The color was wrong—it was tinted yellow instead of the usual gray—and it was more electrical than anybody had ever seen before.   Those who decided not to stay in its path but came to investigate after the strange storm left the area found only a desolate desert in its wake. All the terrain was transformed into very fine, multicolored sand. This strange sand had no kind of smell associated with it. It felt wrong to the touch and could easily tear your skin on contact. No vegetation or animals could be seen, and none of those who stayed behind were ever found by those who came to investigate.  
The storm has been ravaging since them, moving thought the whole area, and transforming everything it touches into more of the same imposible desert


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