
The pearlsteel is a hardening liquid, with synt propeties. They are harvested in small pearls inside an specific shell creature, living in the Eastern Sea. This creatures are most common around the islands in the salt marsh of lanterns, but only after the longest day of the year.  

Physical Characteristics

While inside the mollusk, it's a small liquid pearl surrounded by a thin layer of soft tissue. The pearl is normally 1 to 2 mm diameter and has a dirty grey color.   Once the thin soft tissue is breached, the liquid need to be used quickly, as it will solidify and become extremely hard. If its spread over other surfaces before solidifying, it color will become transparent. The mollusk doesn't need to keep alive, to preserve the pearl interior in a liquid condition, as long as the soft tissue layer is preseved in good conditions.  


In the The Islands Conclave the most common use is to fortify any boat underside.This ensure they won't break down in the sea. In good seasons, they can also be given a shape and used as a pendant for decorative fashion in clothes and necklaces.   In Entrelai, it has a more diverse usage. It's used for it durability in shields and also for construction. More recently, its synt properties has been discovered by some tinkerers in Serene, which is skyrocketing it demand, in this field.  

Distribution and trade

The mollusk can be found in occasions, in the area of the Eastern Sea which belong to Entrelai but it prefer to live around the conclave insland, specially those the salt marsh. It is consider a common material in The Islands Conclave but it consider rare to very rare in Entrelai.
This is the main resource gifted by the Lantern tribe, to the traders when they go abroad. Which means they trade it regulary with the continent. But since both groups don't use the same economic system, the suply traded has remainder more or less constant, while the demand in the continent has skyrocket.   A small number of Entrelai individual, have recently starting to traspass in the water of The Islands Conclave to search for this valuable pearls, which is not seen with good eyes by the people there. If caught, their boat and cargo is consider a gift to the comunity and they are left to the care of the old ones, the ruins which mark, the frontier between the inner and outer sea .
Transparent when spread, grey when encapsulated
Common State
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