Sand drawing Tradition / Ritual in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Sand drawing


Sand drawing has two or three parts, depending who you ask and how involved you are in the process:
  • The first part is scavenging the different Sand dyes, necesary to dye the sand for the different colors to do the desired drawing. This step is omited by many, offloading to scavengers who sell or provide the materials to convert to dyes.
  • The second part is to mix the sand dyes with the sand itself, depending of the colors you want to used for your desing, you can mix several of them to get new new colors. The sand and the selected dye are mix in containers only used for this task.
  • The third and final part, is to do the design itself, this is done in the floor. Depending of the ocasion, this can be done casually, as a pastime. As part of a competition, generally between differnt gangs of children and yound adults, inside Serene, the Stranded Ship. To show off your skill, normally in the Castle District or as part of a ceremony to comunicate with the sea.
  • Observance

    Sand drawing is quite a popular pastime in both Serene and in many island of The Conclave. Depending on the location and the reason for the drawing, the participant will perform the drawing differently. The most jovial and popular way inside The Stranded Ship is as a gang competition. This competition, have different groups of kids and young adults, scavenging for the Sand dyes, mixing them and completing desings which would be either more complex, more flashy or with better colors that the other gangs. This competitions are not really official, in any way or form but they are heavily encoraged, as long as they remain frienly, as they create better bonds between the groups and good training for scavenging, leadership and other associated roles. Outside this competitions, sand drawing is performed in the 3 more different ways:
  • Solitary drawing: This drawing can be performed by a group, by they are normally done by a lone person, who uses sand drawing as meditative experience. The desing is not shared wiht anyone.
  • Ceremonial drawing: This drawing are done to comunicate with the sea. They are normally perfomed by the The Keeper of the Sea, but on ocasions, they are drawed by individual. The preferently performed in a beach at low tide, so when high tide comes along, the sand will be taken by the sea. If this is not posible for any reason, they can be perfomed in a flat and mobile space, which can be drop into the sea, when the drawing is completed.
  • Performance drawing: Normally performed in the Castle District to entertain the nobles, but it can also be found performed in Old Town district for turist of lower cache.
  • Primary Related Location


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