Castle District Settlement in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Castle District

This district is the most affluent one in the city. it's located next to the sea, on the so-called, good side of the delta. Which is the one that doesn't require bridges to be connected with the rest of the city. It's clearly divided into 3 significantly different sections:

The gardens

The one closest to the river, composed of several huge and gorgeous gardens, is open only to those who normally reside in this district. These gardens are used for those who are socially affluent in the city to socialize without having to mingle with the rest of the city. It would also serve as a barrier, in case the river grow unusually large, to avoid the rest of the district to be flooded

The castle

Residency of the noble family xxx, which has been appointed by Queen Crystal to govern this city. This area has it own wall, which separate it from the rest of the city. It also host it own small chapen of the Order of Truth and buildings for important visitors to the city. Either other nobles from Spiralai or other state dignitaries.

The gentle area

This is the rest of the district, where the richest of the merchant lives. This is also, the area where most of the touristic attractions, which have been traditionally associated with the city are. Several seawater spas provide both natural and numenera health treatments for all kinds of maladies. Others provide baths, which are more oriented toward relaxation and recreation to any of those who can pay for them. Finally, in this area, there is the luxury port, this a passenger port, where normally luxury ships come either from up the river, as far as the capital itself or from abroad.


The Castle and Suntown districts are patrolled by an "elite" section of the city guards. The castle has a full wall surrounding it, but the rest of the district is only separated through the gardens themselves.


A good portion of the population who lives in this area never has visited any other of the city districts. Spiralai with their own court, high market, recreation establishment port and gardens. Any travel that is required of people of such importance, is normally done by sea, as it's much safe and convenient than the roads to most destinations. Which eliminated the need of leaving their district, even to leave the city.


Originally build over parts of the old city, that was requisitioned after the war. Originally to build the castle where the new governor would live. This was expanded to a new port and garden area, which would separate it from the rest of the city and as a display of power toward it. Those who come to trade using the new port started to establish themselves close to the castle and over time, it has isolated itself more and more of the rest of the city. The rest of the city is happy about this, as those living here, are not considered real members of the city by those living in any of the other districts.

Points of interest

The castle The port The healing water (High-level spa) Old curiosity (cypher and artefacts to make your life easier) The Good Company (high level escort agency) The relaxed merchant (Inn and bath)
Founding Date
Location under


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