The summer leader exchange Tradition / Ritual in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The summer leader exchange


This ritual has been part of the summer festival, for as long as people has been living in The Islands Conclave. Most people believe, the ancient themselves, before being frozen into the giant statues in the horizon, give them the wisdom to livem the way they do.


As the sun start to touch the water at the end of the longest day, where the summer festival is held and all the gifts have been given. The councils of all the tribes, emerge from their deliberations and anounce which tribe has been the most generous and would lead the Conclave for the next year.   Once this has rebealed, the old leader tribe council will unveil the carefully prepared wrapped surprise fish and serve one to every member of the new leader tribe coucil, as gratitude for their gifts.They are served first from the comunal soup pot .   After this, everyone enjoys from the feast, that has been cooking, thought all day.

Components and tools

The wrapped surprise fish is one of the best expresion of coucine in the The Islands Conclave. Each tribe has its own recipe, that is slightly different, to the rest. The common ingredients are:
  • A fatty fish: This is normally a whole fish. Purple, green or blue. Or at least, with stripes for those colours
  • A local variety of Kelp or Kombu
  • Vegetables and grains to fill the fish with
The fish is stripped from its guts and filled with the choosen grains and vegatables, then surrounded by several layers of kelp and bury in a oven for many hours to allow it to slowly cook, inside the kelp.   Even when each tribe has it own particual recipe for this disk. It's well know, the leader tribe will try to improve on their version, to surprise and delight the next tribe.
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Cover image: by Oleksandr Sushko


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