Turtle Tossers


LIke it's traditional for Conclave Islanders, goverment is not settlement based but island based. Each island belong to a particular tribe and each tribe has a governing council.


The best defense, they have is the fact, this is an island. The two biggest problem the town need to defend themselve from is flooding and predators from the jungle. The use floating structures to protect themselves from the first one, in the areas at risk and the rods of the ancients for the second. The rod is a long and light baton, which would deter most predators from approaching it. The tribe has also a small militia, which patrol the island, normally by boat.

Industry & Trade

This town harvest Pearlsteel to gift in the Summer Festival.
They are also know for gifting a very good textile material, made for the mixture of the fiber of several trees and algae.


The core of settlement is divided in 3 distint areas:
  • The port: This section is build to float in the current. This is because the tide is very fast and unpredictable. The safe dry land would be, in ocasions, to far from the water. While people working could be surprised by the tides. Both problem are solved, if the area is build to rise with the tide, instead of being permanent. The port includes salt pools, used to harvest salt. This salt is used to conserve salted fish and Pearlsteel
  • The work-area: The real heart of the town. Here people join together to perform most activities, both necesary for the tribe and craftwork. This are a combination of comunal ovens, large areas for people to work and semi-open buidling to protect from the rain and the salt, those activities which need it
  • The farms: In this area, several crops and poultry is grown to feed the town.


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