Winter festival Tradition / Ritual in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Winter festival

This is the celebration that takes place after the seed planting is done, around the shorter day of the year. Even when no one knows when did the ritual started, there are practical reasons involved in every step of the execution, which point toward a set of chores, that were crystallized into a festival, to make them easier to perform.

Common elements thought Entrelai

Even some part of the celebration changed once the group arrived in Melomyr. The core of the celebration has not:
  • People will replace the old lantern in their houses, with new lanterns, the lantern are normally done by the youngest member of the family during the year. This symbolizes the light renewal that happens every year. Every family will decorate them with their own style. In some cases, those lanterns are given as gifts, this is the highest compliment and sign of respect you can present to anyone in this community, as it symbolize sharing your light with them.
  • The beast, which are too old or doesn't seem fit to go thought the winter, are sacrificed, their meats are combined with the remaining of the fresh forage from the nearby forest, those are brought together and a communal mean is prepared and shared by all.
  • Traditionally, after the feast a dance where some people dress in some abhumans garments and dress frenetically is also celebrated. Cautionary tales regarding the danger of the ruins and the numenera are told, as traditions says, this will keep both at bay for the whole next year.

Melomyr peculiarities

Because the roofed community hall, was not completed the first year, many people spent up to the celbration day, trying to get it ready, to no avail. This peculiarity added a few quirks to the ritual, that are only celebrated in Melomyr:
  • During the day, the community will come together to examine the Melomyr town commons for damage, any damage will be repaired and normally a small expansion will be added.
  • After dark, people will bring at least one of their new lanterns, towards the Melomyr town commons, normally in an informal procession of light.
  • If it's not raining or snowing, the tales are told outside, normally around the The Trilling shard
The numenera tales are also changing. More tales about the wonders, those who have explored the ruins have experienced. The delights, the numenera they have brought with them, have accomplished are being told. The cautionary tales, regarding the dangers are taking a secondary role.
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Abhumans are creatures, normally sentient, that seem a mixture between humans are beast, they have rejected any contact with civilization, besides raiding. This term is the erudite one, as the common folk, normally call the monsters. The more common in this area, are the Margr. Creatures with a goat face and personality.

Cover image: Aki-no-nanakusa 01 by N yotarou


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Dec 23, 2020 18:39 by Precious Edwards

Liked reading the article, I reminds me of an open air festival without it being so spread out with little quirks of local traditions spread about.

Ellen Edwin