Melomyr town commons Building / Landmark in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Melomyr town commons

When the original settlers arrived, they set up the caravans and tents next The Trilling shard and the Red rivers, before they started to build the new settlement. This original common area, still continued to be after the houses and structures were constructed. Receiving the name of town commons.   The centre of the area, is covered by a wooden roof, with a fire in the centre, for light and warm. This is where the village people, can gather together for manual labour, when the weather does not invite to be outside.   Surrounding it there are diverse structures, every one of them containing the tools needed for the different craft needed to sustain the village:
  • The areas to work the wood, also host tools to made simple metalic works, but anything that require a forge, need to be spoken with Zakeo Smith
  • Fabrics, has it own area as well, with 2 simple looms that are almost always in use by one village or another to work the annen Yarn
  • Meat and leather preservation is covered as well.
There is also some ground, that is left for domestic animals to roam and eat.   Just outside the main shared area, sit two of the biggest building in town, the communal granary and the water depuration station, to one side. To the other side, a house sit making as the main village store, if the Ellomyr alehouse serve and sell prepared food, they prepare packed food for excursion and make annen milk into cheese and other little things.
Common area
Parent Location


  • Water treatment area
  • Common granary
  • Craft and tools areas
  • Domestic animal roaming
  • general shop


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