
Giff are tall and bulky humanoids with the face of a hippopotamus. They are most often seen as mercenaries or soldiers, and their kind is extremely militaristic. They often care not for good or evil, as orders from higherups prevail over all.

Basic Information


Most people describe giff as humanoid hippopotami. Giff have powerful muscles over stocky and broad frames. They are shorter than ogres, standing around eight or nine feet tall, but more massive. A giff's head and snout are covered with thick plates of chitin. They have a range of skin colors, including (most commonly) gray, black, and gold.   Giff often decorate their skin with colorful tattoos related to their accomplishments and victories. They always dress in uniforms or elaborate and strong armor and often carry multiple firearms on their persons.   Giff have excellent reflexes and a surprising grace when moving. They are exceptionally strong and tough—as strong as a hill giant—but neither very intelligent or wise. There is no difference in strength or combat prowess between males and females.   Similarly to dwarves, giff have a mild but innate resistance to magic and are nearly incapable of casting magic spells themselves. This can hamper the effectiveness of using such spells as greater restoration on incapacitated giff.

Growth Rate & Stages

Giff reach maturity at sixteen and are considered elderly in their fifties. They typically live up until their seventies.

Ecology and Habitats

Although they are native to Eastmarsh, giff can be found across the southern and central parts of Cineres. Their body is not fit for colder climates, like the ones in Frostrise and the Alpines. Instead, they stick to humid areas with plenty of water and warmth.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Although they have powerful tusk-filled jaws, giff are essentially herbivores, though they can still digest meat. Despite their size and build, they only have to eat about as much as a human does due to their extremely low metabolisms.


Giff care little for taking sides, or even the concept of good and evil. They tend to align themselves with the highest bidder or their superiors. This makes them the perfect mercenaries and soldiers for the weaker nations of the Old World.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Giff social structure is much to the likeness of a military. Those with more strategic power and wits led the lower 'ranks' as if they were soldiers. Many giff stray from this harmful thinking, but many more still stay true to their teachings of old.

Average Intelligence

Giff have average intelligence, but most assume the opposite due to their brutish stature.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Giff senses are equivelant to humans.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Giff have no nation of their own, and have no desire to create one, but they can be found in the militaries and cities of many different countries.

Average Technological Level

The giff are almost unmatched with firearm technology, and have truly brilliant naval tech. Many firearm inventors in the Second Era are giff, even more so than dwarves or gnomes.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Giff speak common and giff.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Giff live rigid lives of order and obedience to a chain of command. In fact, they take great pleasure from following orders. A giff always keeps its promises.   A common hobby among giff is the maintenance of armor and firearms.   Giff have no desire to become an empire, but they do enjoy traveling. They do not tend to have any love of money; food is far more important to them. The typical giff, however, has a great love of weapons, especially firearms and explosives, favoring the biggest explosions the most. Some giff also keep large collections of polearms from the various regions that they have visited in their travels.


Giff folklore speaks of a long forgotten landmass in which they came from. They were once sailors fleeing a losing war in their lost continent, and when they landed in Cineres they vowed to never be forced out of their home again. It was estimated that they arrived in Cineres some time at the end of the First Era, and that they were not the only inhabitants of this ancient land.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Giff take kindly to dwarves and even have a certain respect for orcs. They appreciate the work that gnomes do with firearms and other machinery, but they dislike their peaceful nature and little use of said weapons. Giff despise halflings and firbolg for their aversion to weaponry.
75 years
Average Height
8-9 ft.
Average Weight
500 lbs.
Average Physique
Saying that the giff are 'strong' would be an understatement. They rival the strength of an orc but have a build larger than a minotaur. Not only that, but they have the discipline and aim of the greatest human marksmen.
Geographic Distribution


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