
The Arcanum arose in the turbulent years after the Sundering, founded by mystics, scholars, and mages seeking to understand the cataclysm that tore the world apart. Initially centered in Bastion , the Arcanum dedicated itself to studying the shattered remnants of magic and the lingering effects of the divine rift. They sought to revive the lost arcane arts, believing that with proper study, they might either bring back some semblance of the magic that once flowed freely or create something new to fill its place.

Over time, ideological differences fractured the Arcanum, and it split into two distinct branches:

  1. Arcanum Practica remained in Bastion, grounded in practical methods to restore arcane stability. They study the effects of God Shards, crafting spells, charms, and tools that use the shards as conduits of magic. The Practica is a pragmatic and structured branch, training its members in binding, regulating, and harnessing shard magic to restore magic’s usefulness for society, despite its limitations.
  2. Arcanum Medeis broke away, moving to Veilspire, where they rejected the notion of God Shards as true magic. To them, shard-magic is a pale and unstable imitation of divine power, unworthy of replacing what was lost. Driven by a fervor to restore genuine magic, the Medeis fixate on reawakening the old gods—or bringing forth new ones—believing only a return of divine influence will restore true arcane mastery. They obsess over ancient texts, relics, and rituals, trying to glean lost knowledge of the gods and reignite the dormant arcane energies of the past.

Both branches retain a cordial, if strained, alliance, but each views the other as misguided. The Arcanum Practica sees the Medeis as dangerous zealots, while the Medeis view the Practica as complacent, clinging to fractured shards instead of striving for the true revival of magic. The Arcanum’s influence on the continent continues to grow, with their members' loyalties split between what magic is—and what it could be once more.


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