
"Clarity in all things"


Bastion was founded shortly after the Deep Night, during the era when humanity sought refuge and safety behind the towering walls of newly built strongholds. From the beginning, Bastion became a sanctuary for Kin, drawing thousands within its fortifications. However, the influx of people also attracted something far darker. Monsters, nightmares, and twisted creatures lurking in the shadows were drawn to the city’s growing population, regularly besieging its walls.

One night, in what would later become a pivotal moment in Bastion's history, the city found itself on the brink of collapse. The walls were crumbling, and panic overtook the people as their fate seemed sealed. Amid the chaos, a young boy, desperate to protect his family, knelt and prayed to the gods for deliverance. But no divine aid came—until, in the darkest hour, a single blue flame appeared before him. This flame, small but radiant, repelled the approaching horrors.

This flame marked the miraculous birth of Seraphina, Goddess of Light. Her soft blue glow grew stronger, spreading warmth, courage, and clarity to all who stood near it. Her soothing voice filled the air, imbuing the defenders with renewed strength. The people of Bastion rallied behind the boy, now inspired by Seraphina’s light. Together, they pushed back the monsters and saved the city.

In honor of this divine intervention, a sacred keep was built in the heart of Bastion to house Seraphina’s ever-burning flame, a symbol of her protection. The boy, later crowned as king, became the founder of Bastion’s royal lineage that still rules the city to this day, a line blessed by Seraphina herself. Seraphina's light, still burning in the keep, radiates across the inner city offering warmth and clarity to all within its reach. In the presence of this holy light, lies cannot be spoken, and order is maintained above all.

During the Heavenly Clash, Bastion played a crucial role on the side of the New Gods. Its military might and strategic position, as the largest port city close to the southern continents, made it a vital asset in the conflict.

Seraphina's birth


In modern times, Bastion remains the largest city, known for its unyielding walls and the warmth of Seraphina’s light. After the Sundering, it was the first city to open its gates to the endless waves of refugees. The population has swelled beyond the city’s capacity, with people constantly vying to live within the inner circle, where Seraphina’s light shines. Those less fortunate reside in the outer quarters, which have earned the grim nickname "The Lying Quarters," as they exist outside the light's reach and are known for their desperation and deceit.

Bastion’s economy revolves around its unique currency, Glimmer, metal coins bathed in Seraphina’s light. These coins glow with a supernatural radiance that gradually fades over time, making them invalid once the glow is lost. This system allows the monarchy to tightly control the city’s economy, ensuring that all wealth remains in circulation within the light’s blessing.

Clips and strings of glimmer

Bastion has a tense but friendly relationship with most cities and villages within the Refuge. With the city overfilled with refugees, some of its populace has started to resent the migrant flood that are said to bring nothing but trouble and chaos, and the lying quarters expand everyday. The glynwoods also seem to be trying to encroach into the city, with the gloomy woods now being able to be seen from the city's walls even with a concerted effort to gather lumber from the ever expanding forest. Finally, the rising influence from the Elemental Sanctum and the ever bolder Stormrider Khanate, along with all the troubling changes in the air have some people doubting if even Bastion's walls will survice the coming storms.

Due to its large population and obcession with optimization, Bastion has also become the place where most advancements are done when it comes to working God Shard into something usable by common folk. Many workshops and artificers dot the city, constantly innovating or producing artifacts for cooking, cleaning, transportation or whatever else someone might need. With tools are often traded with other cities, in return for the supplies needed to maintain the burgeoning city.

60000 Human
3000 Dwarves
1500 Halflings
1000 Elves and Drow


Geopolitical, City-state
Related Ethnicities


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