
"Blood spilled is blood earned"


When the Sundering tore the gods from the world, it is said Zar'Khan, God of War stood the longest. As other gods vanished into oblivion, he remained, protecting all Kin through the tumultuous storm of chaos that followed. In the northeastern reaches of the continent, near the Shining Sea , survival seemed a hopeless endeavor. This area, where the largest of the God Shard had fallen, became a hellscape of magical devastation and impossible terrain.

In these final moments before his own fall, Zar'Khan bestowed a powerful boon upon the struggling clans living in this inhospitable land. He gave them unmatched strength, resilience, and endurance. This act birthed the Orcs, a people said to be as stubborn as stone, towering over all other Kin with their rugged grey or green skin, massive builds, and fierce tusks. Natural-born warriors and hunters, they used Zar'Khan’s gift to survive against the land’s monstrous and magical beasts.

Life in the Red Mesa, however, was far from easy. Even with their formidable strength, many Orcs perished before the lingering effects of the Sundering began to fade. The land was unforgiving, and while Orcs could go for days without water or food, the harsh reality of their existence took a heavy toll. To this day, the Red Mesa remains an inhospitable place, and although the Orcs survived, they have never truly thrived.

A new chief is bathed in the blood of the old chief, as is custom

A schism within the Orcish clans came a decade ago. Weary of their never-ending struggle, a new generation of Orcs in GoreHaven rose up, exiling the old leadership and traditional clans to Bloodclaw . This younger generation is driven by ambition, seeking to break free from the cursed wasteland. They now look to the sea, crafting better ships and dreaming of lands beyond the Red Mesa.


Orcs are not seen anywhere outside of the Red Mesa, or crusading down the eastern continent, barring a few oddballs that have turned to piracy in human ships near the Everspray Islands. Most people are not aware of the Orc's existence however, much less their origins. Some believe them to be a special Kin of Planetouched, that made its home in the wastelands, and others say they are actually demons themselves, come from a Plane Tear to conquer their lands. Nonetheless, the orc's expansion southward has drawn concern from the islands and the people in the vulpine wastes, where many fear the Orcs' growing strength and reach as their ships venture further south each year.

And still, the Orcs face their own troubles at home. The exiled clans in Bloodclaw harbor deep resentment toward GoreHaven for their exile, believing the city has strayed from its path and forsaken Zar'Khan's legacy. With tensions rising and both sides ever belligerent, war between the two cities feels inevitable. The Orcs, forged in hardship and molded by the last gift of their fallen god, now stand at a crossroads—caught between their brutal past and the promise of a future far beyond the wastelands that shaped them.

A typical Gorehaven captain


Main Location
GoreHaven / Bloodclaw


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