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Blightstone Province

"Strength in Steel, Fortune in Silver"

Cattle Call Statistics:

  Quality: o o - - -  Quantity: o o o o -  Thralls: o o o - -  Sacrifices: o o - - -  


  Blightstone Province is a rugged and industrious region nestled within the north-eastern mountain ranges of the Valdonia countryside. Known for its resource-rich lands, the province serves as the backbone of the nation's economy, providing essential materials that fuel the machinery of the kingdom. At the heart of Blightstone Province lies its capital city, a sprawling metropolis shrouded in gothic grandeur. Here, the towering spires of the Lord's castle loom over the cityscape, a testament to the region's unwavering dedication to, Lord Vesperia.   To the west, Embereach stands as a bastion of martial strength and production. Guarding the western borders, this town is a military stronghold, its forges working day and night to arm the kingdom's soldiers. Iron mines dominate the landscape, providing a steady supply of raw materials for weapons and armor. Meanwhile, to the east, Ambershade gleams as a hub of gemstone trade and craftsmanship. Nestled along the main road to the capital, this town's artisans are skilled in shaping and refining precious stones, contributing to the nation's wealth and opulence. Finally, to the north, Goldfell and Silvermire shine with the glimmer of wealth and abundance. Known for their abundant gold and silver deposits, these towns play a vital role in the region's economic stability, contributing significantly to the prosperity of Blightstone, and Valdonia.


Appointment of Dukes and Local Governance: The Lord places trusted, albeit more distantly related, family members with positions of authority. Each of the four main townships in Blightstone Province—Silvermire, Embereach, Goldfell, and Ambershade—has a Duke appointed to oversee their affairs. These Dukes are tasked with the responsibility of managing the townships, ensuring the smooth operation of mining activities, and maintaining order. Within the townships, smaller communities are further governed. Villages may have an appointed Earl or Yarl, individuals of influence and authority who oversee the village's affairs. Hamlets, on the other hand, have elected mayors, providing a degree of local autonomy with less direct influence from the main vampire family.
Mining Quotas: The Lord closely monitors the output of the mining operations. He sets strict quotas for each mine in the province, aiming to maximize production while maintaining safety standards. These quotas are adjusted based on factors like resource availability, workforce capacity, and market demand.
Selection for the Cattle Call: The process of selecting candidates for the cattle call is methodical. It begins with a thorough assessment of potential recruits, taking into account factors such as physical strength, skills relevant to mining, and willingness to serve. This evaluation is conducted by appointed officials who work closely with the local communities.
Taxation: The main form of taxation in Blightstone Province is based on the profits generated from mining activities. Mining companies and independent miners are required to pay a percentage of their earnings to the provincial treasury. This revenue is then allocated towards various public services, infrastructure development, and the maintenance of mining facilities.
Regulation and Enforcement: Lord Octavius maintains a strong presence in Blightstone City, where he oversees the enforcement of provincial laws. He appoints a council of trusted advisors and administrators to assist in the day-to-day governance of the region. This council is responsible for managing legal matters, resolving disputes, and ensuring compliance with established quotas and regulations.
This tiered system of governance allows for efficient administration of the region, with various levels of leadership ensuring that the needs of both the larger townships and smaller communities are met.

Industry & Trade

Blightstone is the lifeblood of metalurgey in Valdonia, a region steeped in the extraction and refinement of precious metals. Nestled within the rugged embrace of towering mountains, the land is veined with rich deposits of gold, silver, iron, and other coveted minerals. Its mines are a testament to the tenacity and craftsmanship of its inhabitants, delving deep into the earth to reveal the treasures it holds.
Trade caravans navigate treacherous mountain passes to ferry Blightstone's bounty to distant corners of the realm. These caravans are heavily guarded, for the wares they carry are coveted by nobles, warlords, and artisans alike. The region's strategic importance is not lost on Lord Vesperia, who tightly controls the flow of these valuable resources.



Nestled in the northern mountain ranges, directly north of the capital of Blightstone, boasts the largest silver mines in the entire country. This bustling town is a crucial hub for the extraction and refinement of precious silver, shaping the region's economy and trade.


Situated to the east, is strategically positioned along the main road, drawing travelers and traders alike. This town specializes in gem production, harnessing the vibrant hues of various precious stones. With a terrain less rugged than its northern counterparts, Ambershade enjoys a thriving economy centered around the exquisite beauty of these gemstones.


Nestled to the west near the border, serves as a sentinel, guarding the realm's edge. It boasts a robust military presence and is a hub for iron mining and weapon production. The town's strategic location and fortified defenses make it a key stronghold for the region.


Situated north of Emberfall, stands at a similar elevation as Silvermire. This town is renowned for its extensive gold production, sitting atop a vast and lucrative deposit. It plays a pivotal role in the region's economic stability, contributing significantly to the wealth and prosperity of Blightstone.

Guilds and Factions

Current Ruling Noble House:  House Korrovah


Homes and structures in mining towns tend to be built with locally sourced stone, reflecting the region's geological abundance. These buildings are often single-story, solidly constructed, and straightforward in design. They prioritize durability and functionality to withstand the harsh conditions of the mining environment. Additionally, mining communities may have distinctive features such as reinforced underground bunkers or shelters to provide safety in case of cave-ins or other emergencies. Overhead, covered walkways and tunnels may connect various buildings, allowing residents to move about efficiently, especially during inclement weather.   In smaller villages and hamlets, you might find more traditional, rustic designs, with thatched roofs and timber-framed structures. These settlements typically have a close-knit, communal atmosphere, with buildings clustered around a central square or marketplace.


Blightstone is a rugged region ensconced within the embrace of towering, jagged mountains. Steep cliffs and rocky crags dominate the landscape, creating a dramatic backdrop for the industrious towns and mining operations scattered throughout the area. Deep, winding valleys cradle the townships, providing shelter from the harsh elements.


The climate in Blightstone is unforgiving, marked by harsh winters and temperate summers. Snow blankets the land for much of the year, blending with the ash from Mount Vesper, only giving way to a brief respite of milder temperatures in the summer months. The high-altitude location ensures that even in summer, nights are cool, making for challenging living conditions.

Natural Resources

The region's most precious resource is its wealth of minerals, including gold, silver, iron, and other valuable ores. These veins run deep within the mountains, driving the ceaseless industry of the inhabitants. Forests of sturdy coniferous trees provide timber for construction and fuel for the ever-burning forges. The rivers that flow through the valleys offer a steady source of fresh water, while the abundant wildlife of the region provides sustenance for the population.
"Forged in Efficiency, Tempered in Production"
Alternative Name(s)
The Province of Blightstone
Location under
Owning Organization

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